Drinking Buddies

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"BAKA USAGI!" The brown haired man huffed as he slammed the door and left the luxurious condo that his lover aka landlord owned. He's just so mad at himself because he can't stop thinking of the silver haired man and it doesn't help that the great usami-sama is so busy these past few weeks that he doesn't even have time to eat with him.

"He was the one who promised to eat together and now he's bailing on me again!" Misaki didn't really know why he's mad. Maybe because that idiot Usagi bailed on him thrice! Maybe because this is the first time he actually felt lonely and alone again after he moved in with his former tutor or maybe because he just terribly miss the certain idiot. But then he knew that he was busy but still..would it really take too much trouble just to stay and eat with him...?

"WHAT AM I THINKING?! I SOUNDED SO NEEDY!" He shouted at no one in particular. He's sudden outburst earned him glances from the bystanders and his face flushed with redness. He tried so hard to hide his face and he wished the ground would swallow him whole because of embarrassment. He tried to walk normally deciding that he really can't go back to the empty house. He decided to call Todou but then he realized he doesn't want to trouble his friend so he just walked and walked until he saw a bar covered with flashing lights. He decided if he should go inside since this is the first time he's actually going to a bar. Suddenly, he felt like drinking his sorrows right now might made him feel better.

"I'm legal now anyway" He whispered to himself as he entered the bar.

The bar wasn't big but it wasn't small either. He showed his i.d as a pass and went inside. There was a band singing mellow songs and a group of people cheering and singing. The sight was fun to see, if only he could have a lot of friends too. But he bet that the idiot Usagi would just pushed away every friend he made. The room was dark and there's only few people inside, Misaki decided to sit one seat apart the other brown haired man who's simply staring at his can of beer and at his phone.

"What can I get for you, young man?" The bartender asked Misaki.

"Uh, just beer is alright." He keep on looking everywhere trying to familiarize himself in his surroundings.

"So, this is what a bar looks like.." He whispered audibly. Which earned him a stare from the man beside him.

"You never been to a bar before?" Misaki looked surprised. Is this guy really talking to him?

"Are you talking to me?" He pointed to himself.

"Pfft. Who else? Silly." The man still looked sober but his half body was on the table so he was facing Misaki with his head turned on the table which looks slightly uncomfortable.

"Uh.. yea it's my first time.."

"Wait.." The brown haired man said straightening himself and rubbed his eyes. "You looked young. You're not supposed to be here." He said fully sober now.

"Oh. I'm 22 although I don't looked like it." He sighed and almost cursed his height and his face, the bartender gave him his drinks which interrupted his thoughts.

"I thought you're a high schooler!" Ritsu said but regret it immediately as he clasped his hand through his mouth, turning beet red. Misaki just smiled at him.

"I get that all the time." He opened his beer and took a sip.

"Anyway, I'm Onodera Ritsu" He pulled out his wallet and gave Misaki his business card which the young man gladly accepted.

"I'm Misaki Takahashi." Misaki did the same as he pulled out his wallet and gave him a business card. They both looked at it and gasped.

"Wait..you work at Marukawa?!" He was shocked he didn't know that he would met someone outside work here.

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