Fluff and angst but not in that order :')

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TW: Swearing

Quackitys POV:

Knock, knock, knock

"Come in.." I shout from my chair, my feet on my desk, papers scattered all over it. The door opens and a tall 'man' walked in. (Of course it's a tall man, Quackity you are so short🙂)
"Morning Quackity, from Las Nevadas!" Slime says. He's my best friend, I wouldn't be me without him.
"It's afternoon, Slime." I chuckle
"Oh, well someone is here to see you!" He smiled, putting his hands on his hips.
"Who?" I put my feet on the ground and lean forward in my chair.
"Well, you know him!" He smiled proudly.
"Yes, well who is it?" I smile.
"Well... You kissed him before!" He again, was so proud of himself, just for doing his job
"Slime, that doesn't narrow it down a lot" I sigh
"It's Sapnap! From Kinko Kingdom!" He smiled and opened the door more. The black haired man walked in and sat down in the chair across from me. I sigh,
Damnit, the one time I didn't wanna see him, the day after I gambled my rings
"Hey, Quackity.." Sapnap said, his hair in his face covering his eyes, he looked down avoiding eye contact.
"Hey Sapnap.." I sighed
"Please don't tell me you actually did do what everyone is saying.." He sighed, his voice cracking.
I'm sorry, Sapnap...
"I..." I couldn't speak, I was drunk, I didn't mean to..
"You did.. didn't you.. wow..." He was almost crying, I could tell.
"I- I'm sorry, Sapnap.." I sighed.
"I cannot believe you!" His demeanor changing, he was angry. I was expecting this but it still jumped me.
"I said I was sorry!" I cried,
I really didn't mean to! I'm sorry!
"Sorry? You think 'sorry' is gonna be enough! You asshole! You are so selfish! I cannot believe you gambled your rings!" He yelled,
"I don't know what else you want from me! I am trying my best!" I yelled back,
I am so sorry Sapnap, I really am, I can't do much more.
"You are so selfish... I cannot believe I almost married you.." he stood up and walked to the door way.
"I hate you.." he said before he walked out the door and left.

I hate you..

It resonated with me. He really does hate me.. I didn't realize that a tear was falling from my face. The one eye that I had left after Techno had given my scar, was tearing up. I don't think I have cried in so long. After I had realized the barrier I had put up to keep the tears in, was destroyed, they flooded out of my eye and onto the papers strewn on my desk.

Knock, knock, knock

It didn't sound like Slime knocking. I wiped my tears the best I could.
"C-come in.." I croaked out best I could with out my voice cracking.
A taller man walked in, his heals tapping the wood floor. His hair was long and fluffy with a white streak in it. His coat almost down to the floor,
Damnit! Why did it have to Wilbur!
"Hello, Quackity." He smiled and sat down, he looked as though he was studying my face and frowned
"Have you be crying?" He moved the chair closer to my desk.
"No, I haven't.." I lie through my teeth, he could tell I was lying, he always could.
"Are you okay, Quackity?" He stood up and put his hands on the desk.
"I'm fine, what is it you want?" I sigh loudly.
"No, no, you HAVE been crying!" He walked calmly past my desk.
Damnit, he can see right through me..
"I'm fine Wilbur, now tell me what you want!" I say loudly, before I knew it he had picked him up and sat down on the chair with me on his lap.
"Quackity, tell me what's wrong" he smiled softly.
Why can't he just leave me alone..
"I said, I am fine!" I sigh again
He hugs me closer, I hug him back to make sure he is reassured I am fine.

It backfires.

"Can you let me go now?" I sigh being stuck in his arms.
"No, not untill you tell me what happened" he smiled.

Sapnap words replayed more and more in my head.

I hate you..
I hate you..
I hate you..
I hate you..

The more it replayed the more I felt like crying again, I didn't want Wilbur to see me cry, not today, not ever.
"Just telll meeee" he whined. It was like talking to a child, but a child that was... Some what comforting. Also a child probably wouldn't smell like cigarette smoke all the time.
I guess the barriers couldn't take much more, I burst into tears, it was so unexpected, probably for me and him.
He patted the back of my head as I cried into his chest.
"It's okay.." he said softly,
Why are you comforting me? I didn't even wanna see you, now I am crying while on your lap.. this is so humiliating.
I sob quietly, my shoulders going up and down with every sob. He rubbed my back and comforted me. I hugged him tightly, he was the first one to comfort me in a long time, it was nice talking feel, human warmth.
"Are you better now?" He asked quietly, it made me smile, softly, knowing someone might care..
"Yeah... I guess so.." I sigh, still clinging onto him.
"Now... What happened, Duckling." He said softly, and patted my head.
I sigh and started explaining

After Explaining

"Ah.." he sighed, and leaned his head back, looking at the ceiling.
"Yeah.." I sigh, I probably look like a pussy now, I should have been able to handle some yelling..
He still hugged me, holding me tightly in his arms.
"I won't tell anyone you cried in my arms." He smiled, smugly
Damnit, I should have known something was up..
"What's the catch?" I sigh, and look up at him.
"I see you more often!" He grinned, not a bad grin though.
I was NOT expecting him to say THAT!
"What?" My eyes widened
"You heard me" he grinned, It was calming to me for some reason.
I scoffed "Fine, but if you tell anyone, I will kill you!" I laugh softly and hug him closer.
This was not the ending to my day that I was expecting.

Welp, MCYTfan11053 here's your Quackbur chapter :)
I thought I did well with it :D
Word count: 1088

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