Moving away

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Kaila's pov
"Billie stop being a baby, she'll be home on holidays." I comforted her as we watch kayla pack her things. She got accepted into the college she's been wanting to go to for a while. "Oh my god mom, I'll call everyday ." She said before embracing her in a tight hug. "I'm just crying because now I'll have to do the dishes after dinner." She joked through her sobbed making us chuckle. Kiyra came running through the door with a paper and her crayons in her hands. "Here, i made you a picture." She smiled handed the paper to Kayla.

"It's so cute. I love it." She told her giving her a hug. "Okay, I'm done packing." Kayla said grabbing her last few bags and carrying them down to the front door. "You're not gonna say bye to your sisters?" I asked. She shook her head and opened the door. "They'll start to cry then I'll cry and I'll mess up my make up. " she joked. She said bye to her brothers and Jonah before putting her stuff in the car. Billie and i made our way to the car and headed the two hours to the university. "You're the first of us to go to college." I reminded her. "Wait mama didn't go to college?" She asked confused.

"This bitch didn't even go to school." I joked making her laugh. Billie sat there with a straight face looking at the road. "You didn't finish high school sooo." Billie said sticking her tongue at me. "Because you got me pregnant." I replied leaving her speechless . "You guys have issues." Kayla laughed. I smiled and shook my head.

We finally made it to the school and dropped kayla off in front. "Wait you're not gonna walk me to my dorm?" She asked pouting. "Did you forget I was famous? Teenage girls will kill me if I walked in there." Billie said. "Fine, mom can you come." She begged. I gave in and walked through the crowd of kids trying to get situated. We made it to the girls dorm building and walked kayla up the stairs to her room. She gave me a hug before I made my way back to bil.

Months later
Kayla's pov.
"It's about time." I spoke to myself as I got all my stuff put away and my bed made up. From the looks of it I'll have two roommates since there's 3 beds. I sat on the bed I chose and scrolled through TikTok till I heard the door open. A girl short girl about 4'11 with red hair walked through the door with arms full of bags. It looked like she was struggling so I walked over and helped her with her suit case. "Thanks, I'm Jayden." She smiled sitting on the bed across from mine. "I'm Kayla." I smiled back. "You-" she was quietly interrupted by the door opening up again.

This time a girl kinda tall but not really, walked in. Her hair was in a curly Afro with big lose curls and her clothes were baggy. " oh shit, my roommates are hot." She spoke into her phone before hanging up. Jayden and I looked at each other before back at her. "My bad, I'm Gia." She said holding out her hand shaking mine and Jayden's. "I'm Jayden." She said greeting herself. She nodded and looked over at me. "I'm kayla." I spoke a little embarrassed. She smiled and tossed her bag on the top bunk which was the only one available. "Where you guys from?" Jayden asked. "La" i said. "Long Beach" Gia said unpacking her sheets. "Me too." Jayden said with a smile.

"We should go get lunch, as roommates. I'll pay." Gia suggested. We both agreed and left our room for lunch.

Kaila's pov
"Kiyra it's okay, your sissy kar and Kalih is still here." I said trying to stop her from crying. "Kayla!" Was all she was screaming from my her room door. Billie came up the stairs confused. "She misses kayla." I told her. She grabbed her phone and FaceTimed kayla giving the phone to kiyra. As soon as Kayla's face appeared on the screen kiyra stopped crying. "Hi ki!" She cooed. "Hoi." She responded in her "peppa pig" voice. "What's up kayla? You meet your roommates?" Billie asked. "Yeah we're having lunch ." She said showing them all. They waved at the camera before kayla turned the phone back to her. "Okay well kiyra keeps crying cus she misses you." I said.

"Aw, ki I'll be back soon okay?" She reassured her before having to go. We hung up and billie let kiyra play with her phone before putting her in our bed for her nap and the same with Bryce. 5 months later
kayla's pov

"kay, you going out tonight?" gia asked sitting at the edge of my bed.  i looked up from my phone and shook my head. "no, why?" i asked.

"cus jayden is out and i ain't wanna be alone." she told me. i nodded and looked back at my phone. "we could do something if you wanted." she added breaking the silence. "okay." i answered blankly.

she looked at me confused before walking across the room to get her shoes. i'm so pissed yet hurt. i like gia, i don't know why because i've never been interested in girls but she's different and i think her and jayden might have something going on so i just try to keep my distance. i slid on my shoes and threw on my sweater before grabbing my key, gia grabbed hers and we left.

we walked down the main hall and out to gia's car. "where we goin?" i asked dryly. "what's wrong with you?" she scoffed. i looked at her and rolled my eyes. i pulled out my phone and decided to text mama as she drove out of the campus area, i really miss her.

mama, come pick me up. i don't wanna be here anymore.

why, someone messing with you?

no, just miss home:(

nope, you'll be home next week
i love you🧙🏾‍♂️

i looked up from my phone and gia was looking at me. "what?" i asked. she shifted in her seat and leaned closer to me. "tell me what's wrong, i know you're not okay." she spoke. ugh her voice was so hot. "i don't know maybe you should go hang out with Jayden." i mumbled. "that's it? you think im with jayden, no." she laughed. "she just from where im from and she knows a lot of my family so she's like my best friend right now, i know you like me, i like you too." she said placing her hands on my face.

i was speechless all i could do was stare at her in her eyes. she pulled my my face in and pressed her lips up again my lips . The kiss lasted for a little before she pulled away. "I know you liked that

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