Stuck in the middle

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Jonah's pov

It's been maybe a month since mom and mama 'split' I guess... and it's really been taking a toll on my emotions and shit.

Mom still hasn't told us where her and Lalani is but she does call. Mama hasn't been herself in a while, she doesn't like to joke, she despises when we talk about mom, it's just trash.

Right now i was at school and I just couldn't find the strength to focus in here. I raised my hand and asked to be excused to the restroom.

My teacher nodded and I stood up from my seat, I grabbed my backpack and walked down the hall to Kiyra's class.

Luckily she sat right next to the door, i peeked inside but it looked like they were taking a test so I just left her alone. I walked around the campus maybe three times just humming about mom and mama.

Are they getting a divorce?
Will mom ever come back?
Is this my fault?
Did i do something?

I thought to myself. I found myself walking through the main building of the school where all the offices were like the principal, assistant principal, admin,discipline and stuff like that.

I walked down the hall to room 15 which was the school therapist or whatever was. Her name was Ms. Mary,

we are fairly close because I seem to have trouble opening up and she's been helping me with that.

Her door was open so I just walked right in.

"Hey, Jonah." She smiled looking up from her computer.

"Hey." I forcefully smiled back. Her smile instantly dropped
and she walked over and took a seat across from me.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "I'm just... I feel horrible." I whispered trying not to cry.

"My parents have been separated for like a month and I feel.. stuck. They don't like talking about each other, every time I talked to my mom my other mom gets upset and if I bring up my mama in a conversation with my mom she ends up saying she has something else to do and hanging up." I ranted not even noticing I was crying.

"I get it, you feel stuck in the middle of your parents' problems.. do you think it was your fault they split?" She asked. I just shrugged.

"All I remember is my mom took my sister and i out to the stool and someone sent her a message and she just got really angry." I said taking a deep breath.

"We went home and mama wasn't there, next thing I know my mama walked through the door and up the stairs, instantly they started yelling at each other, it scared me.. it really did. Then mom took my little sister and she left and we haven't seen her since. She calls once and again but it's just not the same." I sniffed.

"Do you think she cheated on your mom maybe?" Ms. Mary asked. I shook my head.

"Of course not, they loved each other too much for that." I said defending her.

"Well you know, when people have been together for a long time, like your parents.

They tend to fall out of love." She explained. I felt my heart fall from my chest and into my stomach making it feel like it shattered into a million pieces.

No no no no, that can't be true, she's lying.

I looked up at her and grabbed my bag. I thanked her before leaving her room.

I walked down to the bathroom and called kayla to pick me up. "Hello?" She asked into the phone.

"Can you come pick me up? Please." I whined as tears slipped from my eyes.

"What's wrong jo?" She asked concerned. "I feel like I'm gonna have a panick attack." I sobbed.

"I wish I could but I had to take the kids to the doctor, call Kalih or Karmen, they can come." She said.

I said okay and hung up. I dialed Karmen's number and she instantly picked up.

"Hey jo." She exclaimed.
"Hey, can you come pick me up from school?" I asked trying to calm down my cries. "Of course, I'm in the area." She said.

I thanked her then hung up. I walked around a little more before she texted me to come to the office. I literally ran to the office where she was waiting.

"Can we go now?" I asked. "We have to wait for kiyra." She said. " well I'm gonna go wait in the car."

I told her. She nodded her head and gave men the keys. By now it was raining to i quickly made my way to the car without getting too wet.

I sat in the backseat for a few then kiyra and Karmen came and got in. "Now jo, wanna tell me what's wrong?" She asked.

"I was just having a panic attack because I was taking to the therapist about mom and mama and she convinced me that A , mama cheated or B, they fell out of love and I panicked." I mumbled.

"You know none of that is true, they been together longer then ive been alive, they just need a break from each other." Karmen explained.

"I know but I haven't seen mom and I miss her." I frowned. "I know, she probably just need alone time, she has been doing this since she was 13, jo." Kiyra giggled.

"I guess." I mumbled resting my head in the windows, watching the raindrops fall.

Soon we pulled up to the house and I walked up stairs to mom and mama's room where mama was sleeping.

"Mama?" I whispered walking in. I couldn't tell if she was sleep or not because the bed was on the other side of the room.

I seen Lala run from out of their closet with her toys. If Lalani is here that means mom has to be?

I walked over and looked in the bed and there they were. Mom walk laying on mama and mama had her arms around her back.

I celebrated in my head and taped them.

Mama's eyes fluttered open and she rubbed her eyes looked at me. "What jo?" She groaned. "She's back?!" I asked waking her up.

"Hey jo." She smiled still half asleep.

"You guys are together again??" I asked shooked. "Yeah." Mom smiled.

"I was a mess without you guys." I pouted.

"Yeah I know, your therapist called. We're sorry about that." Mama said with her eyes closed.

"Can i get in the bed?" I asked. They both nodded their heads and I grabbed Lala and laid in the middle of them as they both went back to sleep.

"Im so happy you guys are back" I whispered to Lalani.


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