Professor MichaelisXReader

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[Lemon warning 🍋]


You where a college student at a prestigious school. You where still unsure of what to major in, but ever since you took English with your favorite professor you've developed a love for writing.

It was a Friday and yesterday the school found a leak on floor A of the school which just happened to be the same floor that your English class was on. And with you being the lucky student you where never got the email as to which room your English class would be.

I was running from gym class. My friend had spilt Gatorade all over my jeans so I had to go in my gym shorts. I was mentally prepared for getting yelled at since gym clothes weren't allowed inside the building they were exclusive for gym class.

I ran in and saw my best friend waving at me with her bake sale. Of course today had to be the day that the bake sale was going on making the halls where madly congested.

"Hey (nickname)!"

"Hey Katlyn! Um do you know where Professor Muchaelis' class is?" I asked scanning the halls for any signs as to where it may be.

Katlyn looked and said, "I think he's one floor C to the left, I saw Evan come walking down that stair case shaking and saying something about Edgar Allen Poe."

"Yup that's definitely the class." You said as you ran up the three flights of stairs winded. The bell rang right when you finished running up the stairs and you still had yet to find the exact class room.

You ran checking the window in each of the doors and finally right when you turned the corner saw Mr. Michaelis scolding a kid outside the classroom. The kid grabbed his books and left.

You and Mr Michaelis made eye contact and you went completely pale.

"Uh sir I'm so sorry I was in gym and then they never told me where your room was and-"

"Why are you violating the dress code?" He asked gesturing to your rather short, shorts.

"Well you see that's a funny story actually, so my friend spil-"

"Enough just get in class." He responded opening the door for you.

In a normal situation people would say, "ooo~" but everyone was simply silent and shocked and some worried about whether you'd get a death sentence.

You sat down in your chair and Mr. Michaelis began his lecture about The Tell-Tale Heart. People where writing at lightning speed taking notes as where you.

He then passed out a sheet of paper to everyone and said, "books and papers away, this is a sheet to see how well you read the story."

"What?!" A kid behind you yelped. You turned and saw it was Conner who happened to be the boyfriend to Katlyn's brother.

The teacher glared at him and said, "did you not read it."

"No I did it's just I don't feel this is appropriate since- I had questions over it." He trembled.

"Well I emailed everyone last night that you can always come early to class to ask questions." He was staring directly at you now and you had the urge to sink deep in your chair.

Time passed and you finished your quiz you started walking up to Mr. Michaelis' desk to turn it in when Conner stopped you before you could move and asked, "what's the date?"

"Uhhh..." you thought and then gave him the date.

Mr Michaelis looked straight into your eyes and said, "(ln) see me after class." He rarely ever addressed you as (ln) it was normally by your first name so hearing that made you terrified.

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