That's off the chain!

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currently Gwen, Leshawna, DJ, (y/n) and Duncan where playing frisbee but then they heard Geoff's moaning

Leshawna: ooh sounds like Geoff's having a hard time accepting Bridget's been kicked off huh 

Duncan: yeah he's so weak um we better go check on him

the rest of the guys start to follow him

Leshawna: wait what about our game

Gwen: check on him since when did he start having feelings

Heather: since they started up their guys alliance Duncan's no fool he needs Geoff's vote to stay in it

Lindsay: hey maybe we should try forming a girls alliance again 

Heather then hits with a fly swatter

Lindsay: or not

with the guys

Owen: that a boy hug it out

he says as he squeezes Geoff

Duncan: look man voting Bridget off was just a strategic move if the guy alliance stands strong we can win this so are you in

Geoff: I don't know man going on without Bridge is like *sniff* oh is that bacon aw did I miss breakfast 

Duncan: I think Geoff's in

Chris loudspeaker: good morning campers your next challenge awaits you at the arts and crafts center


Chris: welcome to the arts and crafts center

Duncan: more like the arts and junk center

Chris: yeah it used to be an outhouse but  now it's where chef parks his road hog

he kicks down the door

Chris: which brings us to your challenge building your own wheels 

Owen: hot rods yes awesome give me five

he holds his hand up to Duncan but he didn't do anything

Chris: you'll find all the parts you need in our bike depot

Owen: bicycles less awesome but still good right

Chris: once you've collected the basics jerk them out any way yo want using props from the arts and crafts center best design wins and prove i'm a nice guy i'll even throw in a bike manual 

Heather: ew it's furry 

she throws it to Izzy

Izzy: cool mold spores

Heather: freak we get first dibs

Owen: i'm gonna make my dream bike

Lindsay: oh my gosh me to every year at Christmas I asked for a sunset Sally bike but never got one

Owen: really santa never brought you your Christmas wish

(y/n): how could he

DJ: man that just ain't right

Duncan: guys this isn't a Christmas wish contest if we want to vote the chicks out then our bikes have to kick but capisce

Geoff: right wailing chompers

(y/n): yeah 

Owen: kick butt yes

DJ: guys alliance woohoo

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