Kitten Verses Pikachu? Oh? You thought it was over? Ha, you wish.
If Eminem was actually a kitten? Well, his songs would just sound like the nyan cat song on repeat. That must sound like hell, yeah? Then imagine Justin Bieber as a Pikachu. OH, MY FUCK. (tune of "Baby") PIKA PIKA PIKA OHHHHH YEAH PIKA PIKA PIKA AHHHHH. Even Usher would be crying right now. Oh, and the nyan cat song... (tune of "Asshole") So, the song sounds cool with Skylar Grey in the beginning and then you hear... that. Kill me now, God.
Fine -.-
You know, I only decided to write about Justin because I needed a celebrity that couldn't compare with Eminem, obvious, a good choice. I guess it's biased, though. Actually, that's the point and why would it matter? No one reads this shit anyways.
If you're defying logic and decide to read this anyways, have fun with that, kid.
Topic change: Let's talk about the sex scenes in YA books, okay? Usually, they skip the interesting parts (cough, except 50SOG, cough, pornography) and go to the "THAT WAS SO HAWT" thing. I just read the last book to the "Legend" series by Marie Lu, and damn, I couldn't even tell if they had sex or just cuddled like lunatics. It was between two 15 year olds, so uh, no idea, the author didn't really make it clear.
Oh, don't get me started on Divergent. Obviously, they do have sex in the third or fourth book, I don't remember, but what the fuck. They take that long to get to that point? Jesus Christ. I swear they don't even leave each other's presence what, half the story? Well, understandable, right? Two main characters, yeah? WELL, I CALL BULL SHIT.
New book to rant about: The Mortal Instruments. SMH. I don't even remember if they got it on or not, but if they did, it surely wasn't memorable, and if they did, it took four or five books. BY THE ANGEL! Authors take it slow, I realize. Hm, if they're trying to make the character's relationships more normal, then they need to have themfuck way sooner than that. We humans are not a patient race. (LOL, I RLLY JUST TYPED THAT, MY FINGERS FEEL NAUGHTY AGAIN :D)
Huh, I almost forgot about Endgame. Okay, at least the author makes it clear when the asian and the psychotic guy fuck, but between Sarah and uh, I forgot his name, but I think it started with a J, he just sidesteps the whole thing by switching perspectives (there's like 12 perspectives in that book, uh huh, ikr).
Eh, I'm done criticizing. Losers unite!