Chapter 2: the girl that name bmw

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Mini cooper- Londen, United kingdom
Ford mustang- San Francisco, United States
Police ford crown victoria- ????

Emerald forest, remnant
(Bmw pov)

I was unconscious, I can't remember, I feel my body, it hurt so much, ill open my eyes slowly and i see trees

Bmw: huh, wher-where am my

I stand up slowing

Bmw: mmhhh, what's this

A tattoo in my arm

A tattoo in my arm

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Bmw: b.m.w? What is that mean?

I look around and i found trees around me

Bmw: why did i get here? I don't remember getting into the forest and... i don't remember anything

Meanwhile in becon academy, ozpin was having a feeling that someone or something's coming, so he call rwby to his office

Ozpin: uuhh, rwby, your here
Ruby: sorry we late
Ozpin: that's ok ruby, i got a mission for you
Yang: what mission?
Ozpin: you need to investigate at the emerald forest, i having a feeling that someone or something are in the forest
Ruby: will do

In emerald forest, well i don't know when to go

Bmw: *stomach growl* ooohhh, I'm so hungry

Suddenly i hear a sound behind the trees, it came out to reveal a black monster with a white skull on it

Bmw: AAAHHH, I think i need to run

I ran has fastest has i could, that thing still chasing me, i can't unrunning

I went through the trees to lose this thing it got stuck, but it wont hold, i hide behind the trees

Bmw: i think i lost it, *take a deep breath* what was that thing

But that thing jump out of nowhere

Bmw: live me alone!?

I grab a trees breach and i swing it to scare it away, but it never work, it jump on me, I kick it away but it still getting up and approach towards me

Bmw: well, this is the end me?

But suddenly, a red rose jump on top of the beast, the beast was toss by her, their another girls attack the beast with swords, blade and rifles, they kill it.

Bmw: you save me
???: are you ok
Bmw: yeah, who are you
Ruby: ruby rose
Yang: yang
Blake: blake
Weiss: weiss

RWBY: And we're are RWBY

To be continue

cars into humans (need for speed x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now