Two - Mace The Great

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Are you a camera?

Because whenever I look at you, I smile.


I woke up to the shrill sound of my alarm. I grunted and covered myself with my blanket. I heard Mom shouting my name but I ignored her. I wanted to go back to sleep.

I shut off the alarm and closed my eyes once more. My mom banged on my door very loudly.

"If you don't wake up in three seconds, I'm going to barge in and push you out of your bed!" She yelled, thinking that I could not hear her.

I groaned and sat up, squinting at the door as the sunlight almost blinded me. I walked up to the door, my body wobbling. My mom started to countdown.


Before she could say 'three', I opened the door and she fell face flat onto my wooden floor. She grimaced in pain.

"Ouch, you should have told me that you have already woken up."

I shrugged. "Lazy."

All she said was, "Damn right, you are."

I pulled her up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water flowed down my chest as I turned on the shower. It definitely freshened me up. After that, I took a while to wash up and wear my clothes. I always wear the same type of clothes - a plain white t-shirt and a plaid shirt that I wore over the white one. I paired it with a pair of blue jeans. I put on my lucky pendant over my neck. Combed my hair a little, and I was ready to go.

I walked down the stairs and saw my mom making breakfast and Katie sitting at the kitchen counter, eating. I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and gave one to my sister as well. I took a slice of toast and stuffed it in my mouth. I proceeded to walk to the door.

"Aren't you staying for breakfast?" my mom shouted.

I took the toast out of my mouth and shouted back. "Can't. Late for school! Bye!"

Closing the door behind me, I ran to the bus stop to catch my bus. My bus had stopped there and I was just in time. I hopped onto the bus and I plopped down onto one of the empty seats. I whipped out my phone and plugged in my earphones. Listening to music was one of my hobbies.

I was near the chorus of 'Hey, Soul Sister' when I heard someone calling my name. I took out my earphones and looked up. I saw Mace waving at me and I waved back. I didn't know she takes the school bus too.

She came over and sat next to me. For some reason, my heart beated faster than it should. My whole body was burning up.

"Hey, sup," I greeted, trying to act cool but I thought I was failing miserably.

"Per. Get it? Supper," She made a joke and I chuckled. She was so cute.

"So, what are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Getting on the school bus to go to school? Duh," she gave me the 'you don't say' look.

"No, not that. Haha, I mean why did you take the bus? I thought you drive," I explained. Her mouth was shaped like an 'O', finally apprehending my question.

"Oh, my car broke down yesterday. After you left, I left too and I realised that my car's engine did not work so yeah. Here I am!" she chirped, as if her car breaking down was the best thing that ever happened to her.

"Oh," I said, leaving us with an awkward silence. I hated that.

Luckily, she broke the silence for me. "Zac Efron, do you want to have lunch with me during our break? I just moved to this school actually and uhm, I'll be glad if you can join me."

Without giving it much thought, I agreed. I was sure that my friends would not mind.

She squealed in delight. It made me happy to see her happy.

But then I realised, I wanted to make her happy.


The school bus was full with students by the time we reached the school. Once the bus driver opened the door, a swarm of students rushed out, including me, as the first people I saw are Neal and Ty. Yeah, I know. Neal Caffrey from White Collar. His last name was not Caffrey though, it was Levin.

"Hey, wassup bro," Neal came over to me and placed his arm over my shoulder. I took his arm and gave it a twist, showing off my taekwondo skills. He yelped in pain and grumbled,"Hey, I hate that."

"I know," I smiled and walked over to Ty. Ty was using his phone, probably texting his girlfriend, Vanessa. They had been dating for a while now and they were so in love.

He noticed my presence and looked up at me. We did our own handshake and I greeted, "Hey."

He smiled and said 'Hey' back. He then continued to text his girlfriend though and asked me to wait for a minute. Eventually, I got bored and entered the school first.

Kingston High School was your typical high school you watched on television. We had our own version of Mean Girls, jocks who were jerks and teenagers with raging hormones. I swore half of the school had lost their virginity.

I walked up to my locker and opened it. A note fell out and I picked it up. It said:

See you later at lunch, Zac Efron.

~Mace The Great

I smiled and put the note in my locker. I took all the necessary stuff I needed for today's lessons and closed my locker.

"Heather just asked me out!" Neal literally appeared out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me.

"Dude." I punched him in the arm and continued, "Congratulations! She's the hottest chick in the school! On the other hand, you are the biggest chicken in the school. You two are meant to be."

He snorted and said,"Ha. Very funny."

I laughed. "It is!"

My laughter was cut short when I saw Mace again. She was walking towards me and I panicked. I didn't know why I panicked. I didn't panicked in front of other girls. I guessed, she was not like any other girl.

I wiped off the sweat on my forehead desperately with my shirt. She came up to me and said,"Hey, Zac Efron. Got my note?"

I nodded, ignoring the smirk on Neal's face. "Yeah. Speaking off which, how did you slip that note into my locker when they are no holes for you to slip it in?"

She placed a finger on her lips and whispered in my ear. "It's a secret."

That was strange. The lock on my locker was top notch. Even I could not pick it. No one could.

Just when I wanted to ask her more, the school bell rang, signalling the start of school. "I gotta go," she murmured and walked away, leaving me and Neal standing there awkwardly.

Neal teased me every single second as we walked to our first class together - Chemistry. I could not shut him up. He was like a machine gun, shooting me with words of encouragement that I should go for it, ask her out, etc.

I ignored him and walked into the Chemistry laboratory, slamming the door in his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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