Chapter 2

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I stared at the Alpha's eyes, and I noticed he looked like he was staring at something far away, probably talking to his inner wolf. 

The door burst open once more, and two more wolves came from the doorway. 

The three of them were the three brothers who ruled the werewolves. 

The first one who entered snapped out of it and turned to speak with his brothers. One of his brothers gave me a glance, but when he saw that I noticed, he immediately looked away.

"They look very intimidating," Emma said, not helping my fear at all.

"Hopefully they're not as scary as they look," I muttered. 

"Do you think they torture their slaves? They'll probably run out of slaves," Ezra chuckled.

"Not funny, I hope I won't get disposed of."

Our chat was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"As you know, we don't take it lightly on humans," Caleb started, he was the middle child and was known to be the one to fix his brothers' problems. I wouldn't have known his name if our chief didn't have some documents about the werewolves and vampires.

He waited for a few moments, to let the words sink in.

I looked around the cell to see most of the people trembling in fear, clutching each other, shaking. I looked over at my friends, they were both looking at the Alpha, fear in their eyes, but they didn't show it through their body posture, they still stood rigidly. 

Then, I glanced at my parents, to see they were looking at me, concern and worry overwhelming them. I smiled at them, hoping that would lessen their worry for me. They smiled back, reassuringly.

Caleb glanced around the room, then continued. "But after discussing with my brothers, we decided that we would let you pick - be a slave or death."

The three brothers looked around the room, checking our reactions. 

Gasps filled the air since the werewolves were known to usually kill on the spot.

 I froze on my spot as I realized that Caine was staring at me.

The three brothers went out of the room, and after a few minutes, the Beta came in. 

"Those who wish to be killed instead of slavery, step forward," Beta Jones said in a commanding tone.

Obviously, no one stepped forward, slavery is better than death. 

"Alright then, you will all be released later today and will be given specific roles to serve the pack."

With that, he left.

The werewolves that were guarding the cell opened the door to our cell and gave us food and water. But there weren't enough to let all of us eat.

I eagerly grabbed a loaf of bread and a bottle of water and started eating. The others were doing the same except the ones who weren't fast enough.

I was honestly surprised that the Alpha would let all 53 of us serve the pack and not die.

The Alphas went back into the room, and everyone's attention immediately went to them, but when they didn't say anything, everyone started talking again. 

Their gazes shifted from one person to another. I ignored their gaze and started a conversation with my friends.

"This is so weird I didn't think they'd make all of us slaves," Emma said, scratching her head.

"Em just be grateful, I'm too young to die," I chuckled.

"I'm curious as to what they'll make us do," Ezra muttered, deep in thought.

"I hope my job isn't too hard," Emma muttered.

"Whatever, you might die before you can do your job."

"Guys stop being negative, you're ruining my positiveness," Ezra said dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and finished eating my loaf of bread and gulped down the rest of the water. I noticed the Alpha's were gone by now.


"All of you will be let out of your cells and can roam around the pack house for an hour - for you to familiarize yourselves in the place, if ever anyone tries to escape, the punishment is death." 

After that, Beta Jones opened our cell door with a key and allowed us to go out of the prison. 

We all filed out of that rusty place.

"Sylvia, want to stick together?" My friends offered, since I have no sense of direction. I mean, as if they did.

"Yeah sure, just make sure to not get me lost," I chuckled.

"Says the one who always gets lost."

"Shush Em," I scowled.

We were escorted to the main floors of the pack house but just as I was about to go with my friends, Beta Jones stopped me. "Alpha Caine told me that you'll be the one to serve him since the other werewolf who had been serving him retired."

"Eh, okay." He was probably cold and rude, which was why the other one retired, lucky them that they could retire, I'm stuck for life.

"You'll be in the pack house when he doesn't need you, to help the others with their work."

"Okay, okay, sheesh," I mumbled. 

He left without saying another word. 

I saw my friends staring at me, "What did he say? Are you in trouble?" Emma asked worriedly.

"I'm not in trouble, I have to work for one of the Alpha's and if he doesn't need me I have to work in the pack house, exhausting isn't it?"

"Isn't that better? Maybe you'll get more time-outs?"

"Your not making me feel any better Em." 

She rolled her eyes and started walking around, Ezra and I just behind her. Until she bumped into a wolf. 

"Back off human," the wolf growled.

"I- erm - s-sorry?" Emma stuttered as the wolf bared its sharp teeth.

Just as it was about to attack Emma, another wolf stepped forward. "We're forbidden to attack any of them unless they try to escape, Coby," the other wolf said.

"The mutt bumped into me!"

"It was an accident," Emma countered, glaring at the wolf.

"Then you admit you all are mutts."

"WHAT?! I didn't-" Emma started.

"You only complained about the bumping part, not the mutt part," the wolf interrupted, giving her a wolfish grin.

Emma glared at the wolf and lead us away. Leaving the two wolves to growl at each other. We went through each room, each hallway, and each staircase, but after all that, we were obviously lost.

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