Pink Nightmares Pt.1

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It had been months since the incident. Everyone since had been sent home once they were released from the hospital. All except for Jack. The reports filed by the police claimed he had left the hospital early without informing the nurses, but there was no evidence to the support the claim. No taxi calls, no bank withdraws, no plane ticket back to Ireland. The cameras never picked up Jack leaving the hospital. He just... Vanished... But they had no other explanation, so the media ran with it. Made him out to be an accomplice to the 'unknown' pyro. Weaving yet another web of lies that the public happily ensnared themselves in. But Mark knew the truth. He was unable to speak the truth, for it was too radical for the modern citizen. Too absurd, tooinsane. The media would swarm him with cameras, shrinks would dissect his brain within a padded cell. All in an attempt to uncover the facts, ignorant to the idea that they were already before their very eyes.

"Mawk.... Mawk....Mawk!"

"Eh, what's up Yami?"

"You zoned out again."

"Oh, sorry, I'm tired... And I was just thinking..."

"About Jack, right? Why won't you tell me what happened?"

Mark sighed, his head hung in guilt as he halted his recording. Ever since that night, the night that Dark had taken their new found friend, Mark had been eaten by the guilt by withholding the truth from even those closest to him, from those deserving of the truth. Glancing back at the camera, Mark swallowed his fear. Perhaps revealing the events of that fateful night would bring some clarity to his mind. Soothe the parasitic guilt that ate away at his soul. But he was still highly skeptical.

"That night....That night Jack went missing.... The demon, 'Dark', came to our hospital room.... I was too weak to act, but he took Jack... Said that he'd come back for the rest of us someday.... I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to drag you guys  back into it in hopes he would leave you all alone....But, ever since that day, I have been having these horrible nightmares that have kept me up almost every night.... I can see Sean's eyes, so full of fear... I can hear his screams...And that creature, Dark, is always smiling... Always laughing...."

"So... The demon is now an actual person? Like, flesh and blood real? And... Someday, it's going to come for the rest of us?"

"I'm so sorry Aron.... I.. I just wanted to protect you....."

"Hey now, it's alright Mawk. You didn't do anything wrong... Now, I'm going to come back to America, and we'll sort things out. And we will end these nightmares. Together."


"No buts. You're too...special, to me. I'd go insane if something happened to you.  I know you want to protect us, but the only way to truly protect us is to defeat this evil. Once and for all."

~~~One week later~~~

"So..... You can't find them?"

Mark asked dismally, choking back tears as he sat forward in his seat, his hands trembling. He had just received the grim news just yesterday, the day of Yami's flight to L.A. His heart had skipped a beat; his breath caught in his throat as he gripped the counter tightly, as if he was afraid of falling.  But now, he couldn't stand, couldn't move an inch from his seat as he listened to the officer's grim recount of the incident that he had called Mark about.

"I'm sorry Mr. Fishbach.... Officers are still looking for a cause for the crash, but it just appears that they swerved into the ditch. Probably to avoid a deer or something. We are still unable to locate their bodies, but the amount of damage... I'm sorry, but no human could have survived...."

"So... Y-you'll let me know if you find them..? Th-thank  you officer..."

Hanging up the phone, Mark allowed Yami's gentle hands to take it from his own trembling ones. In that moment, reality washed over the youtuber in a devastating manor, finally freeing the built up tears that had desperately fought to be freed. Burying his head into Yami's warm chest, Mark sobbed violently as reality came crashing down, destroying any hopes he had for his friends.

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