Chapter Seven

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Seven: One of His Treasure

Just as Ginny Weasley's friends arrived at her house, another person was released out of his 'home' of five years.

Amelia Bones succeeded Dolores Umbridge to the position of the Minister for Magic. The latter lost by a no confidence motion passed in the Wizengamot and immediate elections were held which resulted in Madam Bones' victory. She was suggested by Auror Ronald Weasley, Head of Muggle Artifacts, Arthur Weasley and DMLE worker, Hermione Granger-Weasley. As a result of this, Hermione Granger-Weasley was promoted as the Head of DMLE and Ronald Weasley was asked if he wanted to become the Head Auror, replacing John Dawlish. The latter accepted temporarily saying that there were other capable and deserving Aurors who deserved the position and that he would happily step down to give them that.

As soon as the duo attained their respective positions, they started working hard. Hermione conducted trails for the 'criminals' who were thrown into Azkaban in the previous five years. As a result of this, Harry James Potter was released after being declared innocent by the now 'clean' Wizengamot which consisted of honest members. The corrupt members who had roots in the dark arts were arrested by Head Auror Weasley and were replaced with the honest officials. However, Harry politely declined a seat for him in the council.

After an hour, Harry Potter was finally sent home to The Burrow. To say that he was delighted was an understatement. Pale with joy, Mrs Weasley hugged him fiercely almost choking him to death. He received the same treatment from his best friends (including Ron and Neville).


Harry Potter now sat in the kitchen of The Burrow. Several plates, piled full with various dishes laid out in front of the now clean looking 25 year old.

"Mrs Weasley, I am already ful-"

"Nonsense. I am not having any of that. I have made treacle tart for you and you must have it!" Molly ordered. Harry gulped causing the other Weasleys to laugh. The Weasley family were gathered in the kitchen, the only exception being the one person Harry wanted to desperately see.

"Molly, give Harry some rest. Poor boy has just returned from Azkaban. You know how bad and sickly that place is," Arthur Weasley, the Weasley patriarch said. Molly harrumphed but let it pass.

"Harry dear, you will have dinner right?" she asked. Harry nodded vigorously but with a small smile. He stood up and hugged the Weasley matriarch, surprising the others. He was never the one to initiate hugs.

"Thank you, Mrs Weasley," Harry said, his eyes moist. Molly shook her head and patted his back. When Harry backed away, he looked up at the ceiling. Molly gave him an apologetic smile.

"She does not live here, dear."

"What? Why?" Harry asked.

Hermione took a deep breath and replied instead of the guilty looking matriarch. "She wanted to live in muggle London."

"Muggle London? Can you...err...can you tell me her address?" Harry asked, slowly, aware of the fact that about a dozen pair of eyes were on him. Several looked down at this request and Harry began to wonder why. "What?"

"No one knows, mate," Ron said, bluntly. Harry stood simply.

"What do you mean by that, Ron?! She's your sister!" Harry demanded.

"Well, yes, Harry but apparently she has restricted us from visiting her," Hermione answered instead of her husband.

"Is she okay? Do-don't tell me that she's - she's," Harry stuttered, unable to complete the sentence as he slumped onto a chair. Molly immediately shooed everyone besides Arthur, Ron and Hermione.

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