oh god

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"Just like that... "  You whispered as Connor slowly took off your shirt, he slowly rubbed your arms and kissed your neck, you sighed a bit. You were   only wearing a T-shirt and your jeans now. 

You closed your eyes as he kissed more, but after a bit you felt his hand around your neck. Your eyes widened and you coughed a bit, he squeezed like he was trying to choke you to death. 

"A-ah.. That hurts.. " you said quietly.

Out of nowhere he punched you in the stomach and let go of you.  You dropped to the floor coughing and rubbing the area on your neck he was grabbing.

Before you could properly catch your breath he kicked you in  the stomach, again again and again. You were on the ground coughing up blood a bit. He then picked you up by your hair and slammed your head back down.  Your face was covered in blood, your nose and head were bleeding.

You tried to crawl away but Connor stepped in front of you, he raised his foot and slammed it down on your fingers. You screamed in pain.  He did the same to your legs, you felt your bones cracking and breaking, yet  you still tried to leave. He let you out your room and went to the  kitchen. Grabbing a pan off the stove he put it on you. You screamed as you felt the pan burn your skin.

You sobbed and begged him to stop  but he kept  beating you.   You felt yourself getting weaker and weaker. You were going to die if he continued.

He kept beating you for 30 minutes in the most painful ways possible.   You looked at him one last time, he looked at you with disgust. You looked back down and took your last breath. You died.

(All satire I swear)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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