Page 1: Roda and Erwin meet

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"I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!" Shouted Roda in a hurry. "I'm always late, and it's not even my fault! It's not fair. Why do I have to also face the consequences of the actions that belong to my lazy ass family? I did nothing!".

Roda rushed through the door and didn't even think twice before beginning to make a run for it. Leaving their family asleep and unaware that they're tardy.

Roda arrived at the building and entered hastily, resulting in them bumping in to a customer. "Oh fuck!—sorry". The coffee had spilt all over the man's shirt, Roda lifted their head in embarrassment and gave the stranger a soft gaze.


"Huh?—Oh! I am so so sorry! I should've looked where I was going I didn't mean to."

"It's fine, don't worry about it." The stranger said calmly despite the fact he had hot coffee spilt all over him. "No, it's not fine. It's the morning and it seems like I have already ruined your day! How can I make it up to you?" Roda argued

Dhar mann falls inlove with erwin and roda gets revengeWhere stories live. Discover now