chapter one

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"How can you think of marrying another woman that I've never seen or even heard about?" I asked my father in angry tone.

"Naeyon, please understand this situation." He said sincerely trying to hold my hands to calm my nerves down.

At this point I was too angry at him about so I slapped his hands away so he wouldn't touch me.

"Don't touch me." I said backing away from him.

"Na-" "I need to sleep, it's past 11 and I have school tomorrow." I cut him off.

He was sad about my reaction and dissatisfied about it but he couldn't do anything about it and just nodded at me. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, you may see Jina then here." I looked at him in disbelief.

"Really?" I scoffed looking away from him. "We'll see if I even want to meet that Jina." I went way before he could say anything else.

I went upstairs to my bedroom and slammed my bedroom door in anger. I took a vase I had in my room throwing it on the ground making it shutter piece by piece. I was to angry to care if I stomped on the broken pieces. I took everything I could get in my hands and threw it away.

On the wall, ground, door, in every possible directions you know, I threw it there. "Fuck him and his fucking fiancé." I yelled threwing an object away.

"Who do he think he is to not infrom me that atleast he was talking to some one!" I yelled throwing another object away.


After a good hour I calmed down sitting on the ground beside the bedroom. I shut my eyes closed because of tiredness but it didn't last too long.

I heard my door open, probaly by my father after not hearing my smash things or yelling. "Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice. and I was right. It was my father talking.

I opened my eyes in annoyance and groan in frustration. "What do you want now?" I looked straight into his eyes.

"The maids are here to clean your room." He reminded me again, like those other times he had reminded me these past years.

"I don't want them anymore, I'll clean my room myself." I stod up putting my hair in a ponytail ready to fix this mess.

He let out a big sigh, tired of my stuborness he grabbed my arm dragging me from my room. Signaling the maids to go and clean he took me downstairs to the livingroom.

He let go of my hand and walked to his home office like what he just did a moment ago did not happened.

I looked at him in disbelief and shook my head going to the kitchen to get a cup of water.

I saw Ms.Choi, our head of all the maids standing there cooking some dinner for my dad, I guess.

"Ms.Shim, your up late?" Ms. Choi said, more likely like a question. I opened the refrigerator to take out a water bottle. "Yeah, I had quite a day and the normal drill happened." I chuckled bitterly remebering the argument with dad.

"So now, I'm just here waiting for the maids to be done." I sat on the chair that was infront of the counter.

"Well, sometimes it happens, we just need to accept it." She heard me and dad about Jina.

"But how?" I asked. "How can I accept someone like Jina, who I never met?" I burst out my feeling to her.

"I just don't understand how dad possible could think that I'll accept Jina as a member of our family. It feels like he want to replace mother's place by taking Jina in to the family." I said a little bit lower that before while drinking the cold water.

"Sometimes people move on, and I don't mean that him not talking to you, or atleast telling you about it and asking about your opinion and feelings about it" She came to me putting the apron aside and stod infront of me hold my hands in hers.

"But sometimes you also need to try to think in his perspective not only in yours."

"I know, but still. He knows about my depression and about my mentalhealth and here he is giving me a big shock from no where and doesn't he think of my health?" I now was raising my voice a little.

I heard footsteps walking trowards us, and thanks to my past experiences it was dad's footsteps. Not wanting to continue this conversation I gave Ms.Choi a faint smile and bowed at her in respect before leaving to my room.

"Naeyon." I stod still on the stairs looking at my dad.

"Take care." That was the only thing he said before leaving me alone. "Take care my ass." i mumbled to myself going inside the clean bedroom ready too go and sleep.

I was walking down the stairs in my flare jeans, oversized hoodie over my crop top along with my heels under the jeans because I am extremely short.

"Do you need a drive to the university?" Dad asked. I looked at him who was in the kitchen, I went inside the kitchen and sat infront of him while he was standing and drinking water.

"No need, I'll just drive to school. I have my license after all." I gave him a faint smile before standing up again.

"Need to go now, see you later." I stod up and and was about to go out before he called my name.

"Jina is coming for dinner, don't be late." I dropped my smile. I nodded and closed the front door.

I totally forgot about that woman Jina. Now he ruined my mood. I sat inside the black SUV I got as a present from my mom, infact is the only memory I have of her.

I felt how tears were started to stream down to my cheeks. I quickly wiped the tears from my cheeks and took a deep breath before I started the car and drove away from the house trowards the school area.

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