Chapter 7

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Once Harry left, I went to tidy up the kitchen. As I was wiping the counters, my phone rang. I dried my hands, and went into the living room, where it lay on the table. Picking it up and checking the caller ID, I answered. "Morning, Niall."

"Open the door, I'm on my way up," he responded without missing a beat.

Walking to the door, I open it to see a tired blonde heading my way. "What are you doing here this early? Never mind, what are you doing awake this early? Let alone being out of your flat and dressed? " I ask, taking in the fact that he has on joggers and slippers, instead of the typical pajama pants and socks that make up his 'morning after outfit'.

"Hey, I take offense at that," he whined, while looking himself over. I have shoes on."

Those are not," I groan, turning back towards the living room, "why do I even bother? "

Removing his 'shoes', he trailed behind me. "Soooo, where did you disappear to? Last we saw, you were headed to the toilet. I'll bet you met some fit bloke and shagged 'im. Or did he shag you? How do you decide? Do you flip a coin or summat?" nodding his head like a puppy wagging its tail, all the while, a gleeful expression on his face.

"You, my strange friend, are disturbingly interested in my nonexistent sex life. I bumped into someone, but didn't sleep with him."

Now he was looking at me skeptically.

"Was he not fit? He must've been. We all know how picky you are. It's probably why you haven't gotten any in ages," Niall nods sagely, flopping down on the couch. "Well, if there was no shagging, which is a shame, because you, mate, definitely need a good shagging, where did you run off to? "

Sitting on the other end of the sofa, I begin to speak, "I didn't run off. On my way to the toilet, I ran into someone-"

Interrupting, Niall asked, "Who? Do I know him? Did you know him?" leaning towards me, practically crawling into my lap.

"Stop!" I yell, grabbing him by the shoulders, "if you would just give me a bleeding minute to speak, then I could tell you what happened," letting go of him once I was sure that I have his attention.

"Sorry," he said, sheepishly, "didn't mean to get so excited. It's just that we worry about you. S'been awhile since you've seen anyone. Whether it's a quick shag or something more," he paused, "Louis, you're a great guy with loads to offer. We just want you to be happy, to find someone that can see how amazing you are. You deserve to have somebody like that."

I'm speechless. Torn between being offended that my two best friends were discussing me behind my back and touched at their concern. Never did I realize that my friends cared for me to that extent. It makes me appreciate them even more. I pull myself together while gathering Niall in a hug. Despite being choked up by his confession, I manage to speak. "You're the best. Don't know what I would do without you and Zayn."

"Probably be in jail, what with all the trouble you get into," was his answer.

Looking at him, my mouth agape, "I am not the one who ended up in jail. In fact, if I remember correctly, I was the one who came down, at 3 a.m., nonetheless, and bailed your drunk naked ass out."

"I had clothes on!" he pouts gesturing wildly. "That's beside the point. You're supposed to be telling me what happened last night. Get to it!" as he stretched out, leaning against the other end of the couch and putting his feet in my lap.

I rolled my eyes, as though put off by his request, but the smile on my face betrayed me. "I was on my way to the toilet, but I ran into someone. Literally. Knocked me on my ass. When I looked up, it was Harry."

"Harry," he asked, confusion on his face. Then realization. "Harry, the bloke fom the park?"

"Same one."

"He was there? What was he doing?" Niall fired questions at me. "If you saw him, why didn't you bring him over? I'm sure that Zayn would've liked to meet him."

I wait patiently while he finished, knowing that I wouldn't be able to get a word in until he was done.

"You're not answering," he pouted, "why aren't you telling me what happened?"

Pulling my legs up onto the couch, and tucking them under me, I relay the events of the previous night. Leaving out Harry's compliments about my eyes along with the 'almost' kiss, of course. I'm still trying to sort out how I feel about it. When I finish, I look at Niall, waiting for him to say something.


As I listen to Louis talk, I can see a change in him. He's genuinely concerned for Harry and thinks that he's scared him away.

"You didn't get his number?" Shaking my head, I continue, "Explain it to me, because it doesn't make sense."

"He was quite smashed when we were outside of the club. I didn't want to leave him there alone," was his answer. "I already told you this. He was nearly passed out in the taxi. When I couldn't get him to give the driver his address, I decided it would probably be best to bring him to mine. I let him sleep in my room and I took this lovely spot," he explained, patting the back of the couch. "I gave him my number, so that he can call me on his own terms. I don't want to make him uncomfortable."

Debating whether I should or not, I somehow ended up blurting out, "Was he drunk?" Judging from the look on Louis' face, that was the wrong thing to say. Trying to make things better, I continued. "He was at the club, and he'd been passed out in the park yesterday morning."

"What business is it of ours if he was drunk?" my friend shot back. "Harry's a grown man, who can do as he pleases. He certainly doesn't need our permission to drink. He can even get as sloshed as he'd like. Whenever he'd like," he finished with more enthusiasm than is appropriate for only knowing Harry for just over twenty four hours.

Wrapping him in a hug I tell him, "Hey, calm down. It's gonna be okay. I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that I know how you get. When something or someone matters to you, you tend to get passionate about it or them. The last thing I would ever want, is for you to be hurt. Do you get that, Louis?"

Nodding his head against my shoulder, I hear a muffled voice. "I do understand, Niall. I don't know how to explain it. There's something about him."

"You can't fix him, Louis. It's not your responsibility.

"I know that. I'd just like the chance to get to know him."

Hoping for a distraction, I get up from the couch, making my way to the game console next to the television. Turning it and the TV on, I grab two controllers, tossing one to my host. "What do ya wanna play?" I ask, getting ready to take a spot on the sofa.

"You pick," he yawned, while stretching out on the sofa, making himself comfortable.

I just stared at him for a moment. "Where am I supposed to sit? You're taking up the whole thing," I told him.

Holding a controller in one hand while putting the other behind his head, Louis made himself comfortable before telling me to, "Start the damn game, so I can kick your ass. Loser buys pizza."

We were on our sixth game when the pizza arrived. "I can't believe I lost," I muttered, as I walked to the door.

As I was paying the man, I heard Louis shout, "Don't forget the tip, Ni!"

Taking the pizza into the living room, I placed it on the table. I immediately proceeded to smack Louis in the head. "Smartass," shaking my head as we each grabbed a piece of pizza and a controller.
I wondered if Harry would call Louis, or if my friend would somehow be hurt by the stranger that he was growing attached to.

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