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Brooke had finally been discharged from hospital and was happy to be home with a broken leg. Brooke sat in her room as she sat texting Tom. Brooke looked to see Claire as she walked into the room and sighed

"we need to talk" Claire said as Brooke looked to her and rolled her eyes "do we really have too" Brooke said.

Brooke knew that everything was a mess and she hated it and she hated how no one understood what she and Tom had and how they were in love and how they were trying to break her up

"yes. We need to talk over thing you have with Tom. Look I know that you think that you are in love with him but Tom Clarkson is no good for you. He is only going to end up breaking your heart and you have to be prepared for it. You need to end it and focus on the baby that you are insist on keeping" Claire said as Brooke looked to her and rolled her eyes

"you can say what you want. You can do what you want but this is my baby and it's my decision and you can't stop me. You can't come between us" Brooke said.

Brooke was annoyed as she didn't want anyone to come between her and Tom and she knew that she was going to find a way to be together

Brooke sat in the living room and looked to see Sierra as she walked in and sighed as she looked to her

"I heard that you had words with mum"

"don't you start I've had it and I'm in pain and I don't need another lecture over Tom. Like it or not he is my life I am having his baby and I love him and I am not going to give up on him or what we have and you can't change my mind" Brooke said as Sierra looked to her and sighed

"I won't I get that you have been through a lot and I get that but it's okay. I am here and whatever you want to do be with Tom or not I will try and support you even if I don't like it" Sierra said as Brooke looked to her sister and smiled.

She was grateful to finally have her support and she felt like she could breathe. Brooke wanted to feel like she and Tom had a chance and she knew that with everyone against then how scared and powerless that she felt over it all.

Brooke knew that she just wanted to be happy and she knew that she couldn't go public with Tom but she did want some sort of relationship with him

Brooke walked out of the house and down the street and smiled as she saw Toms car. She looked as he got out and walked over to her

"how's the leg" he asked as she smiled

"still broken" she said as Tom smiled

"I'm sorry"

"don't be it's not your fault" Brooke said as Tom smiled. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"I know how things are but I promise you I am here and we are going to find a way to be together" he said as she looked to him and smiled.

Brooke hoped that he was right as she knew just how things were between them but could they make it work?

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