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I tried holding back as many tears as I possible could. Is this really happening? Is Alex really purposing? I stood up. "Yes I will marry you!" I smiled. I watched as a sigh of relief eased over Alex. She took the ring out and placed it on my finger. It was huge! It was beautiful. She picked me up and spun me around while everyone clapped and cheered. "I love you Sami." She whispered in my ear. I looked at her and smiled. "And I love you."

After dinner we went home and had a little engagement sex. Lets jut say that was amazing! Afterwards we started planing the wedding.


"No! I want Lilly's! Not roses. Roses are over done Alex." I stood up from the table frustrated. Our wedding is in 4 days and we cannot agree on the flowers nor the music. Like isn't that the first thing you agree on? "Fine whatever you want! I want a live band then." She smirks. I cross my arms and laugh. "Whatever you want." I smile and walk into the bedroom. "When is your mom coming down?" Alex shouts from downstairs. "Today! I will go pick her up from the airport at 5." I yell back.

We have been arguing for the last 8 months. And it's been all about the wedding first it was the colors then the food now music and guest. "When is your dad and step mother coming?" I ask coming down the stairs. "Tomorrow night. And where are you going?" She ask crossing her arms. I put on flip flops and walk out the door. "I'm going to the store then heading to the airport. Love you." I say grabbing my keys and closing the door. We to move to Pensacola Florida. Mainly Because my grandmother was there and we was dying so we moved there to help her.

After I got done at the store I headed to the airport. It was 5:30 so she should be here by now. I say there waiting for her for about a good hour or so. "Mom!" I jumped up and ran to her. "Samantha! Darling I missed you!" My mother smiles and hugs me. "Where are your bags?" I asked confused as to why she had just her purse. "Oh well Steven is getting them." Steven? I know that name but I'm not sure who he is. "Who's Steven?" I ask trying to clear up my confusion. "Oh it's Alex's dad. Sweet heart." She smiles. My jaw drops. What the hell he wasn't suppose to be here till tomorrow! "Oh hi you must me Sami I've heard so much about you!" This woman say. I don't know who she is. "And you are?" I ask crossing my arms. "Oh I'm Maria, Stevens wife." She smiles. I smile back. Well that makes since. "Hello, Sami." I look up to a tall man and I mean tall man who was the perfect tan. "You must be Steven. Hello." I smile shaking his free hand. "Shall we go back to the house?" He smiles. I nod and we go back to the house.

"Dad!" Alex screams running up to her dad. You would think they hadn't seen each other in years. Well with him being busy and all I could believe it. "Hello Maria." Alex smiles. "Hello darling." They hug. "Here me and Alex will take your bags to your rooms. And how about you guys sit in the living room while we cook diner." I smiled picking up a few bags. "Okay I love you sweetheart." My mom says kissing my cheek.


Me and Alex cooked our parents curry and rice. It was super good! After dinner we started talking about the wedding.

"Mom no! I'm not wearing a pick fucking wedding dress that is outrages!" I crossed my arms. "Fine but then wear a sheep white dress?" She smiled. What the hell? How many whites could there possibly be? "Uh what?" I ask. Like for real how many whites are there? "Never mind, we will talk about it in the morning. Good night." My mom smiled and walked up the stairs to her room. I laid bak in my chair and sighed.

Could this possible get any more stressful?

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