the stars

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"Was Dessert good?" I asked alex as she lifted her head up from in between my legs. "It was perfect babe" she said as she kissed my cheek. "Good" I said as I got down And started to clean up our mess in the kitchen. "I'm going to go take a shower babe" Alex said as she headed up the stairs. "Hey not without me!" I said as I chased after her. I chased her into my bathroom, we didn't waste anytime. We quickly started to undress each other And hopped in the shower. "Sami! I'm home!" It was my mom. "One min we are In the shower!" I yelled.

"Okay, someone's here to see you!" My mom yelled again. "Alright I'm coming." I said as I grabbed a towel And rapped it around me. "Get dressed silly" I told Alex as I blew her a kiss.

I headed down the stairs. "Who's here" I said. "Hey Sami" I looked up, it was Kate. "Get the hell out of here!" I shouted at her. "Get out, get out now!" I said as I pointed at the door. "Wait I just want to talk" Kate said. "Talk? Yeah remember what happened last time!? Yeah get the fuck out!" I said opening the door. "What wrong" it was Alex coming down the stairs. "Nothing just showing Kate out." I said. "What the fuck what do you want? Don't you think you've done enough!" Alex said as she started charging at Kate. " babe wait." I grabbed Alex's hand. "Wait for what? For her to ruin everything again!" Alex said as she pulled her hand away.

"No I'm sorry, for what happened. I feel awful." Kate said to Alex. "The fuck! I don't care get out!" Alex said as she pulled Kate by her arm And pushed her out the door. "Oh And never text MY girlfriend again" Alex said as she slammed the door in Kate's face. "Damn, I need a Drink, for a minute this almost turned into a bad girls Club episode. " my mom said laughing as she opened the fridge And get a bottle wine. "I know you guys are under aged but it's wine, want some?" My mom asked Alex And I. "Sure" we both said.

My mom poured us each a glass. "Here y'all go" my mom said as she gave us each our glass. "What shall we toast to?" My mom said as she held up her glass. "Young love". Alex said as she looked over at Me And smiled. My mom smiled And we all toasted "to young love"! We said as we toasted.

Things got a little fuzzy afterwards. Me And alex had about 4 glasses, And my mom had about 5. "I'm, I'm, gonna go to bed" my mom said as she stumbled over to the stairs. "Alright, goodnight mom" I said as I took a drink. "Babe, come on" alex said as she got up And grabbed two blankets off the couch." Where are we going " I asked her. "A romantic evening under the stars, with my gorgeous girlfriend " alex said as she grabbed my hand. "Awe baby" I said, I knew I was blushing. " she opened the black sliding door. We walked outside. Alex laid down the blankets And laid down. "Come on" she said as she patted the spot next to her. I went And laid down with her. "This is perfect" I said as I cuddled up next to her. "Every moment spent with you, is perfect." Alex said as she kissed my forehead. "Awe baby".

We laid there for hours it felt like, watching the stars. It was beautiful, this moment was beautiful.

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