Mista X Reader - Maybe Tomorrow

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⚠️TW⚠️ Blood

"Good job today (Y/N). I expected nothing less from someone like you." Bucciarati said.

(Y/N) gave him a smile as they wiped the blood from their hands. "I do learn a lot from Mista. He taught me." They said.

(Y/N) had just finished a mission, which was eliminating a few members from a rival gang. They weren't too much trouble, as (Y/N) didn't need to use their stand, just the gun Mista let them borrow.

"Well, I won't keep you any longer. I know that you have a date with Mista." Bucciarati said.

(Y/N) paused. "How did you know that?" They asked.

"Oh please, I know everything that goes on in the house. It's no surprise that you and Mista like each other." He said.

(Y/N) brushed it off. "Whatever."

Bucciarati waved as he walked away. "Have fun." He said.

As soon as he was out of sight, (Y/N) quickly ran back to their apartment, which wasn't too far.

They quickly ran to the bathroom and took their black shirt off, which was now soaked with blood.

During the fight, (Y/N) had gotten shot in the shoulder and in the side.

"I'll be fine." They told themselves, wrapping some bandages around themself. "This isn't going to keep me from going on a date with Mista."

Even though it hurt like absolute hell, this wasn't stopping them. They were a dedicated person.

So, (Y/N) threw on a decent outfit and headed towards the cafe, having their stand help them.

When they reached the doors, (Y/N) called their stand back, fearful of what Mista would say if he saw it helping them.

(Y/N) walked in and sat down at the table, across Mista.

"How did the mission go?" He asked.

"Eh, it was okay. Thanks to the skills you lent me, I doubt we'll see them again." (Y/N) said with a smirk.

"Was anyone hurt?" He asked.

(Y/N) hesitated before answering.


Mista sighed in relief. "That's good. I was worried about you."

(Y/N) slightly winced at Mista's response.

"There's no need to worry about me!" They flashed a smile.

As the date continued on, (Y/N) could feel the pain in their side become more obvious.

It almost became so obvious that they couldn't ignore it, and it was starting to show.

Mista noticed that (Y/N) was shifting uncomfortably in their chair.

"(Y/N), is something wrong?" He asked.

(Y/N) smiled. "No, everything's fine. Why? Did you notice something?"

"Well, it's just- (Y/N), you're bleeding!" He cut himself off as he stared at their figure.

(Y/N) looked down to see the wound on their side had bleed through their shirt and onto their hand, making it very noticeable.

"Shit." They said in a low voice.

"Mista, remember when you asked if anyone got hurt during the mission?"

Mista nodded.

"Well, that was a lie..."

Mista wasted no time in helping (Y/N) up. The two of them went out the back way, hoping to attract less attention.

"You were shot?!" He asked.

"Calm down. I'm fine." (Y/N) said.

"No you're not! You have to go to the hospital now!" Mista yelled.

"Mista! I swear I'm o-"

Before (Y/N) could finish their sentence, their knees felt weak. They would've fallen if Mista didn't notice.

"You're losing too much blood. You're not okay."

(Y/N) looked up at him with tired eyes.

"I feel dizzy..." They said.

"Hang on. You'll be fine." Was the last thing (Y/N) heard before blacking out.


As (Y/N) was laying in a hospital bed, unconscious, Mista was pacing the room.

It was now 8:00 at night, and he was worried about them.

When Mista had brought (Y/N) to the hospital, the doctors quickly examined them and took them back for surgery, as the bullets embedded in both (Y/N)'s side and shoulder were piercing some of their vital organs.

A few hours later, (Y/N) had gotten out of surgery, and Mista had contacted Bucciarati after giving the doctors some information about (Y/N).

Of course, the only real information exchanged was things like their blood type and such, other than that, all the other information was a lie, just so Mista could keep you safe.

It was now about two hours after their surgery, and (Y/N) had yet to wake up.

There was a knock on the door, which drew Mista from his thoughts.

"Come in." He said.

The door opened, revealing Abbacchio with a bag in his hand.

"Bucciarati had me bring you dinner, considering you've been here all day and haven't eaten anything." He said.

Mista sighed. I mean, his Sex Pistols were probably hungry in the least, so he figured he'd stop and eat himself too.

"Thanks." He said, taking the bag from Abbacchio's hand.

Abbacchio left almost immediately after, leaving Mista alone once again.

Well, unless you count his stand and an unconscious (Y/N).

Mista gave some food to his pistols while he ate his sushi that Abbacchio brought him.

"Cheer up Mista! I'm sure (Y/N) will wake up soon!" Number 5 said.

Mista slightly smiled. "Thanks. I hope you're right." He said.

A few more hours passed, and it was now nearing midnight. Visiting hours were technically over, but Bucciarati called and managed to allow Mista to stay.

Mista was sitting down next to (Y/N), holding their hand, half asleep.

Just as Mista was going to fall asleep, however, he felt (Y/N)'s hand move within his.

He looked at (Y/N)'s face, seeing their eyes twitch, and eventually, they opened.

"What...happened?" They asked. "Why am I...tired?"

Mista laughed softly. "Well, you were shot during the mission, but decided to come to our date anyways. Turns out that the bullets were piercing some of your organs by the time I got you here." He explained. "You were rushed into surgery, and the anesthetic hasn't completely worn off yet."

(Y/N) reached their other hand up to rub their eyes, but stopped after wincing in pain.

"You probably shouldn't move your arm too much. At least until the stitches are out." Mista said.

(Y/N) looked at the gunslinger. "Sorry...I ruined our date..."

Mista placed his hand on the side of (Y/N)'s face. "Don't say that. You didn't ruin our date." He said.

"But you had so much...planned." (Y/N) said.

"Hey, don't worry. Dates can be replanned, especially once you're better." He said with a smile.

(Y/N) yawned.

"Yeah...maybe we can go out...tomorrow..." They said, falling asleep.

Mista smiled.

"Yeah, maybe tomorrow."

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