2021 IS OVER, in 6 hours (pt. 1)

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Guess who's back (after 4 months) and is going to do a year end art review, me because I'm the only one who reads this book

Alright let's start with January

Genuinely don't understand how I thought either of these designs were okay

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Genuinely don't understand how I thought either of these designs were okay. Also I can't believe I let flora kin look like that for so long Jesus Christ


Embarrassed to admit I still like this one, there like 7 anatomy errors, the lighting is all over the place, she only has one eye, the lightning doesn't even look like it's coming from the clouds

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Embarrassed to admit I still like this one, there like 7 anatomy errors, the lighting is all over the place, she only has one eye, the lightning doesn't even look like it's coming from the clouds. BUT THE DRAMA, THE STORY BEHIND THIS PICTURE I-
I need to update Hero Complex, I need to redraw this


Also still really proud of this one, the rocks are wack and it does not capture the chaos of playing through Eden but it's still very cute and I like it

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Also still really proud of this one, the rocks are wack and it does not capture the chaos of playing through Eden but it's still very cute and I like it


I honestly can't go wrong with transformed Aria, except those gloves I cannot believe I kept them for over a year

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I honestly can't go wrong with transformed Aria, except those gloves I cannot believe I kept them for over a year. Also yes I REFUSE to learn another way to draw galaxies.


Jello's old design is fine until you look at her tail- wh, why did I think that was okay

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Jello's old design is fine until you look at her tail- wh, why did I think that was okay. She has been redesigned since this picture so it's odd seeing her original design.


Pride month bay-bee! I drew approximately 5 things during this month, and that's because I graduated! Uh shout out to my friends, we posed like we were in renaissance paintings and took a "the council has decided

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Pride month bay-bee! I drew approximately 5 things during this month, and that's because I graduated! Uh shout out to my friends, we posed like we were in renaissance paintings and took a "the council has decided.... G E T I N" photo set bc we were those kids (and damn proud of it)


CREATED MY CHILD SURACI THIS MONTH, also turned 18 holy shit

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CREATED MY CHILD SURACI THIS MONTH, also turned 18 holy shit. Anyway this is my D&D character (whom I will never play with because I am stuck as a DM and am too socially awkward to play with strangers). Their name is Suraci (it's literally Icarus spelt backwards) and uh, I love them. Also this piece sucks ass lmao, colors pretty but everything else is so bad.


Did a meet the artist, that's already severally outdated

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Did a meet the artist, that's already severally outdated. I go by Wren online now, which I haven't updated on WP oops, also sick pronoun change I go by they/she/he. And um, I enter a really troubling phase this month called "why legs so goddamn long?" And for some reason I put that I don't like math? Bitch put essay writing in there I've never cried over math but I cried over every fucking essay I had to write for my first semester of college

Uh Wattpad has a ten image limit and I don't want to make a part 2 that's 2 picture long so I shall continue in another.

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