• You guys get back together •

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I know I said I wouldn't make a second part for the cheating scenario, but it was requested.


- It's been two months since you and chisaki parted ways and every night you would cry yourself to sleep thinking about him. You're probably wondering if it's time to move on, but deep down you know that you still love him

- Shigaraki wasn't the same without you. And he regretted ever cheating on you. He tried calling and texting you, but you ignored him everytime.

- Later that night you were walking around the town trying to clear you're mind on the things that were recently happening, you also couldn't help but think about shigaraki. Just as you were lost in your thoughts someone pulled you away into an ally way. You tried screaming but the person quickly put their hand over your mouth
"Hey, Y/n calm down it's just me" You heard the person say. 

You immediately recognized the voice as Shigaraki, who had surprising managed to sneak up on you. You quickly escaped his grasp and turned around to see him, but his appearance seemed to have taken a toll on him in some way. He looked worn out, so you couldn't muster any sympathy for him

"What do you want tomura. You know we broke up." you say sternly
"Y-Y/n" his voice cracked. You were guessing he had something to say, so you stayed quiet
"Y/n... I'm sorry. I regret everything I did. And I know I shouldn't have done what I done. But if I don't have you in my life anymore... I don't think I can go on any longer... So please, take me back..." He said with a cracked voice. you're heart ached a bit
You sighed "Fine. I forgive you, just this once" you said in defeat
He then quickly hugged you "Thank you Y/n, I love you so much"
he says while hugging you tightly
"I love you too." you say while returning the hug


- Toga told you that Dabi stopped talking to the girl he cheated on you with, you said it made no difference to you, but really, deep down, all you wanted was for him to talk to you again.

- You text him to meet you in a nearby warehouse. You waited till the afternoon, then made your way to location.
When you made your way inside the warehouse you saw dabi leaning against the wall looking a little guilty.
"..I didn't think you'd actually come" you spoke
"Of course I did. I wanted to apoligize...I know I probably have no right to ask forgivess...but please just take me back" dabi said with a desperate voice
You were shocked from the sudden apolagy.
"Tch...fine I'll forgive you this one time. But if I see you with another girl. I'll kill you" you muttered


- you were staying at your parents house until you felt better. Right now you're on the couch watching tv
then you heard a knock on the door. You thought it was your mom back from work but when you opened the door you saw twice.
You were about to close the door on him, but he quickly stopped you.
"Please y/n, just stop and listen to me for a second." he quickly said
You opened the door again. "Fine" you say.
He then spoke again "I just wanted to say, I'm sorry you didn't deserve what I did to you.." You didn't really know what to say. But you forgave him


- Compress was a mess without you and he knew it. He spent hours trying to find the perfect apology that would get you back, and finally found it- sitting in a coffee shop reading a book by yourself. He walked inside, sat in front of you
"Hey" compress says getting your attention.
"huh?...what do you want sako..." you say quite annoyed
"Look. I know sorry won't make up for what I have done but just. Forgive me please, I can't live without you" He says in a soft tone.
I looked at him, then leaned up and kissed him. He kissed back
"I'll forgive you, just this once" you whispered
"Thank you, love" compress says while slightly smiling


- He didn't cheat

- He loyal


- Chisaki and his new lover eventually broke up when they did. Chisaki then started to miss you again and he realized how much he missed your company

Y/n pov:

- I was walking down the street. But then I turned down the wrong ally, I saw chisaki. "Y/n."
I quickly turned around and started walking out the ally way.
"Hold on" He said while holding out his hand
"No. Leave me alone. I said countinuing to walk
"Look. I'm sorry, you didn't deserve to be treated the way I treated you." he said while behind me
I stopped, then turned around to face him. "Why the sudden change of heart. I thought you fell out of love with me! And then you ended up with some girl! don't be a fool!" I snapped
"No...me and (girl name) broke up. After we did I started missing you, then I thought to myself. It wouldn't hurt to try to get you back, right..." he statted
I stood there for a moment. Then spoke again
"Well...you hurt me, you were the only person I loved...Then you broke my trust..." I muttered
"...Please I know I have no right to ask for forgiveness but... I still love you" he said
And you still loved him too
"Alright then." you say

(You forgave him and you guys get back together)


- I couldn't think of anything for him in the cheating chapter. So he didn't cheat


wow I finally finished this chapter

edit2022: I wrote this like 2020 or 2021 and re-reading it now..the dialogue is just making me cringe 🥲
but I don't really feel like editing right now

918 words

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