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IT WAS PAINFULLY obvious,Lucius had been strutting around the manor with a sterner than usual expression painted onto his features.
Grey hairs harboured by stress had started to appear as long strands stretching from the the top of his head to the bottom and at the rare times that he had decided to leave that grimy old office of his,shouts and profanities were sent our way.
Abuse after abuse were spat like hand crafted torture methods,he was crueler than usual,almost as savage as my father dare I say.
A knock sounded at my door and in came Narcissa.
An uneasy expression crossed her thinned features,in her arms sat a beautiful, sparkly black dress and a pair of red heels "You are expected to wear these when recruiting a new member" the woman spoke,carefully placing down the outfit onto the bed beside me.
I could see the tears threatening to leave her eyes so I quickly stood and pulled her into a hug. She immediately sank into my embrace and let out a series of muffled sniffles over my shoulders.
"Are you okay Cissy?"
Narcissa nodded and pulled away,smiling through the tears "Yes,I will be. Just a bit worried about my boy is all"She wiped her sweaty hands onto her dress' skirt "Are you?"
I pondered on my answer,resorting to fiddling with the rings on my fingers "Yeah,just worried about what he's gonna make Draco do is all" I gave her a comforting smile.
She grew out a breath "He'll be okay" her words sounded half-assed like as if she were trying to convince herself "I'm sure of it"
"Welcome everyone,as you may noticed..we have a new member here today that shall join us" The snake like man announced,waving his arms about in exaggeration. No one dared to look up from their laps as he floated carelessly around the table like a fly searching for food.
Nagini slithered beneath my grasp,poking her tongue from beneath her lips and purring like a cat as I stroked her scales.
"Stand up Draco" The man ordered,placing his palms on top of Draco's shoulders.
I could see the panic swell across Draco's face as he stood slowly,head still bent forward.
"A young malfoy" He clapped,smiling widely,huge decayed teeth on full show "hopefully he shall do a better job than his father" Lucius flinched in shame,throat bobbing up and down as Bellatrix started cackling.