Chapter One

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India's POV

God?....Why me? I know they say you give your strongest soldiers the most difficult task but I get it. I've been dealing with it for 20 years now, I understand the challenge. I was probably 7 years old when I finally realized that life wasn't gonna be peaches and cream and that responsibility got to me quicker than it did most people I knew.

I'm sitting in my bed right now just thinking when the fuck am I gonna escape this shit? Like, when would my mother do the role she signed up for the minute she decided to let these niggas fuck her raw, not once, not twice, but three times. I guarantee if it wasn't for her gynecologist convincing her to get her tubes tide after her last pregnancy, she would be right back pregnant again.

Her name is Samantha Nicole Williams or better yet known in the streets as Freak Nic. Born and raised in New York City. She blames her new "character" on being homeschooled for all of elementary and high school. She always talks about how she never got the chance to see the world outside of her parents views, and it was their fault she was the way she was. The first opportunity she got to see the world on her own was when she went to one of the local colleges in NYC. She describes the feeling as a high she still hasn't come down from. She became wild and rebellious, she experimented everything because she experienced nothing, but her lack of knowledge on the world is what created me.

By her second semester of college she was already pregnant. She has this joke that she tells me every time she's drunk, high or mad "Little girl, when I was pregnant with you, nobody even knew yo ugly ass even existed until I pushed your big head ass out of me" she takes pride in that. She waited till she was already in labor to tell my grandparents that she was pregnant and she didn't even care enough to receive any prenatal treatment during her pregnancy. But luckily for me I came out healthy.

See me, I feel a lot like my mom, I never got to experience or experiment the world, I'm to busy taking care of "her house"and  "her kids". She says that every time I don't do exactly what she wants "This my house" or even worse"them nappy headed muthafuckas came out my pussy"

It's three of them, Loyalty and Royalty, they're 8 year old twins and then there's Brayden, see Brayden that's my baby right there, he's only 2 months old but just like us, he'll never get to experience a mother's love.

I looked over at my clock and realized it said 5:30am. I've been laying here like I don't have to get the twins ready to get on the bus to go to school. I also have to get Brayden ready to take him to Misses Pearls house a few houses down. I was beyond tired and all I wanted was for someone to take some of the weight off my shoulders.

"Just 5 more minutes" I whispered to myself. I shut my eyes again to try and get a few more minutes of sleep, I just needed a break. I have a 12 hour shift at the grocery store down the road and I just couldn't deal with another day with a bunch of rude customers.

Before I could get comfortable to rest my eyes, Brayden like the human alarm he is, woke any chance of resting a bit longer out of my body. I looked over my right shoulder to see Brayden wailing his eyes out, I pretty sure he's just hungry because I just changed his wet diaper a few hours ago. Lifting up I rubbed my eyes, I could feel slight wetness as I tried hard to hold in my own frustrated tears. Its frustrating to know that the same thing I did yesterday is the same thing I'm doing today and tomorrow.

I picked Brayden up and just looked at him as he cried. "I wanna cry to buddy" I whispered to him. "You cry today but tomorrow is my turn" I don't know if he understood me or not but I watched as his little face relaxed, and a smirk grew on his cheeks. That was it right there, I knew I could go another day. That's what Misses Pearl tells me. "Honey I know it's hard and I  know you're tired, but all you can do is take it one day at a time"

I reached over my shoulder onto the side of the bed to grab a bottle and some of his enfamil formula. I scooped some into the bottle before shaking it to get all the clumps from the powder dispersed. Every night before laying down I try to fill 4-5 bottles with some of his purified baby water so I'm not walking to and from the kitchen throughout the night.

Unfortunately, Brayden sleeps in the same bed with me, I know he's to small for us to sleep in the bed together but it's the only option I have. The only pregnancy my mom announced was the twins, so I had to choose between getting him a car seat to bring him home in or a basinet. The girls use to sleep in the bed with me before he was born, but they're wild sleepers and I couldn't risk something happening to him so they sleep on the twin sized bed at the other corner of our room.

After feeding and burping Brayden I began to change his clothes and diaper so that he went to Misses Pearls house fresh and clean. I looked up at the clock and noticed that it was now 5:50am and the girls had to be on the bus by 6:30am and I also had to be walking towards my job by 6:35am if I wanted to to make it there by 7.

I opened the door to our room and walked across to the bathroom which has a clear view of my bed from here, so I kept the door open as I peed. After I finished I washed my hands before beginning to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I ran back into the room and gently rocked the girls awake not wanting to startle them because today I didn't have time for Loyalty to start with the water works and for Royalty to get sassy with an attitude. Surprisingly they both woke up with grins on their face, with their eyes still closed shut, it was actually kinda creepy, almost like all 3 kids dreamt of the same dream or something. "Come on pretty girls it's time to get up for school" they both stretched before dragging they're feet to the bathroom to brush their teeth and wash their faces.

While they did their hygiene, I went over to these clear storage containers I got from Walmart to pull their clothes out for school. Luckily for me, they're school required for them to wear uniform. Navy blue tops with Khaki bottoms and all black shoes. I grabbed some all black socks for both of them and gel to sleek their edges for when they came out the bathroom. I will say although money was always tight, I made sure both of their hair was always done, a talent I learned while raising them. I usually tried to keep their hair in braids because it always lasted longer and it saved me so much time in the morning when getting them ready.

Both girls came back from the bathroom and got dressed. Royalty was finished first so I used an edge brush to sleek hair untamed baby hairs back down. After I finished Royalty I did Loyalty's right after. I grabbed Brayden and his diaper bag and the girls followed me in the kitchen I grabbed two bowls before looking at the time on my phone see it said 6:15. I quickly poured cereal into both bowls along with some milk and set the bowls on the table and asked the girls to sit down. "Hurry up and eat you only have 15 minutes before the bus comes" I said to the girls.

I grabbed their lunches and placed them in their bags before setting they're jackets on top of it. I ran back to the room with Brayden in my arms before setting him down so I could put my work uniform on. I through my jacket on top of my uniform because although it was spring, mornings in Atlanta were still a bit chilly at this time of day. I swaddled Brayden and yelled for the girls. " come on you guys it's time to go"

The minute we stepped out of our one story apartment complex, I noticed the bus pulling up and some of the other kids in the complex walking towards the bus. I kissed both of them goodbye before they both ran towards the bus. I watched as they climbed on the bus before I sped walked towards Miss Pearls house. When I got there I knocked on the door lightly checking my phone while I waited. It didn't take Miss Pearl long before she opened the door.

She smiled the minute she noticed it was us" Good mornin India how y'all doing honey?" I smiled back at her.

"Good morning Miss Pearl, how's everything going?" She reached her hands out grabbing Brayden out of my hands.

" All good honey, you better head out though, me and Brayden are gonna have some tummy time and maybe go on a nice little walk later with Buster. How's that sound Bray" she cooed towards Brayden and at the mention of Busters name her small Golden doodle ran towards the door. I smiled towards him before giving Brayden a kiss goodbye and thanking Miss Pearl before running out. I sped walked towards my job dreading the long day ahead of me, wishing I was already back home with my 3 favorite people.

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