Chapter 4: anger, and kisses:

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I was walking down a street when I had seen James walking, I ran up to him to hug but we kissed instead. My heart was racing, I felt sparks, tingles, explosions......

Then..... I woke up to a text message.

James Martin:

Had fun dreaming about me? ;)

Alice Carter:

No I didn't ... It was a scary nightmare... Help me! :O

But yes, yes I did like my dream... I mean loved...

And that was the end of our text messaging, but how did he get my number? But while I was thinking of ways of how he got my number, he ran in my room. "Don't ever fear, James is here!" He yelled in my room. I sat up. "Oh my goodness the monster is here, the ugly, ugly, beast!" I yelled and pretend to faint. "Well that was really rude, I'm not that ugly, am I?" James said sitting with me on the bed. "Oh. yes very, very, very bad!" I said giggling and sat back up. "Anyway I got a couple of plans, I want you to meet the group." He said laying back on the bed. "Sure, what time? And our they-" "Hot as me, no." He cut me off while giving me his boyish grins which by the way was hot. But on that note I thinking I'm falling for this boy. "Hahaha, you're funny, cause you're not hot!" I said pretending to laugh my butt off. "That's not funny Alice, you could've hurt my feelings!" James said defensively scooting closer to me. "Uhh, yeah it is!" I said trying to push him back, but it was like pushing a brick stable wall.

:James Marins Prove:

There was a comfortable silents between me and Alice. I was falling for her when I first layed my eye on her... Okay James that was a really girly move. And it's to early to fall for her , like we just practically met. I don't want to bring her to meet the group, but the boys want to so sucks to suck.


We finally got to the 'hang out' where the boys and I hang out together, but it took along time to get out of the house cause Alice was taking to long to get ready "Hey man!" Xyle my closest friend out of my group, I could tell him anything. "JAMES!" The rest of the group came to see me. "Hey wassup man!" I said high-fiving them all. "Hi." Alice's weak voice came from behind me. "And who is the girl!" Noah said pointing behind me. "Oh sorry, Alice this is, Xyle!" i said pointing to Xyle. "Heyy!" Xyle said smiling at her. This is Darrel, Andrew, Logan, and Noah." I said pointing to them in a row. Alice waved 'hey' to the boys was she came out behind me.

:Alice Carter:

It was kind of scary to meet 'The Group'. They were all hot, but didn't compare to James. We mostly did small talk. "Can we go now?" I whispered in James ear as Noah told us about how he got into this little group. "No." He whispered back. I know he wouldn't let me go so I decided to flirt so we could leave this place. "Babe, can we go now." I whispered sweetly and placed a hand on thigh, and looked in his pretty Hazel eyes. He instantly straightens up and took my hand off his thigh. "Your game is not going to work on me Alice." He said smirking. "Please" I whispered getting closer to his face not caring that the boys are going to notice. "And that's how I got in the group.... James, you didn't tells you're dating Alice?" As soon as Noah said that I immediately shuffled back to where I was. and just sat there and blushed. "No, I.... I... Uhhh, Me and Alice have to go." James said quickly and grabbed my arm tight, I winced at the pain he was giving me while holding onto my arm and walking outside of the 'hangout place'. Which was a park. manly huh? "Ow, can you let go!" I said out of the place and trying to get loose of his grip. "Don't ever do that again.." He said furiously. "What, What did I do." I said stoping myself from walking. "you embarrassed me to the group!" He snapped back at me. "I'm sorry, but I really wanted to go, but you wouldn't let me." I said sticking my tongue at him. "So it's your fault." I said while I had spark coming out of our hands cause he still was holding onto my arm. "Well, now we are. Happy?" He said dragging me along with him. "I'm sorry." I said honestly looking him in the eyes as we walked home. "Don't sweat about." He said not angry anymore. Jeez, this guy is like a girl, Angry, then happy again.

It was about three-o-clock in the afternoon when we got back. I was about to walk in my room which was the guest room. but I felt a hand grab my arm and twirl me towards them, when I looked it was James. He pulled close to his chest. "Wha-" I was cut off with is hand shushing me. It's might sound weird but I want to stay in his arms forever, like the good sparks, tingles that I'm getting for being like this. "My friend he said he was sorry for grabbing your arm to tight, and yelling, and being angry at you for nothing." He said while taking his hand away from my mouth. I know he didn't apologized completely, but I know this is probably the best I'm going to get. But did he just apologized? "Don't sweat about!" I said mocking him from earlier. He just nodded. But I came closer to his face looking at his Hazel eyes. He hesitated at first put he finally crashed his perfect, soft lips on mine. I closed my eyes and kissed back. The explosions, the sparks, the tingles!! The everything, it felt so right. I felt his heart beat pounding, but then again mine was too. He pulled away, and I was sad that he did. "You liked it?" James finally asked still in the position that we were in before. "Yeah." I said kissing him again. "alright, then." James said between the kiss, then I felt him smile with in it. It's really shocking that he smiled, which only made me smile into the kiss too. When we pulled back, I was blushing like no tomorrow, then James turned a slight pink but not much. "Oh my goodness, are you blushing?" I said poking his cheeks. "Stop it before I regret kissing you." He said smirking. "You wouldn't, you love me!" I said walking in my room to have a quick nap.


A\N: Sorry I didn't write for a couple of days but I wrote this to make it up to you. And please share, vote, and comment your opinions they're important.

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