☆Expecting and Planning☆

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"Zira!" Bianca shouted,

A teenage lioness sprawled out inside of the cave , her head lying on the rocky floor of the cave, she yawned loudly and got up "WHAT!?" the lioness yawned

"Come here!" her mother growled

Zira grumbled under her breath walking outside of the cave,there she met her parents along with her father's majordomo Kutisha

Her mother smiled happily, while her father kept his cold stare

"Why do you look so happy?" she asked tilting her head

"Zira, I'm happy to tell you I am with child..." Bianca smiled

"With child?" Zira said to herself "You're going to have a cub?" Zira grinned feeling a sense of happyness for once,

"Yes! You're going to be an older sister!" her mother trotted over

Zira and her mother happily squealed with each other

"This is great!" Zira smiled

"Yes it is!" Bianca smiled "Is it not Ignis?" she looked to her mate

Ignis scoffed coldy, Kutisha's tongue slipped out for a short period of time, of course it wasn't great for him... When has anything ever been "great" for him?

Three Months Later...

"Zira dear..." her mother smiled looking at the antelope her child had caught her and brought to her

"I know you're excited about being an older sister, but you don't gift me with antelope two hours..." her mother chuckled.

"Sorry, I'm just making sure the cub has enough food." Zira tossed the dead antelope to her mother,

"Why don't you go do something else for a while, okay?" her mother said

"Yes ma'am." Zira said happily, Zira trotted off still feeling happy, this is the most happiest she has felt in fact, she's never felt this way ever, the reason she felt this way was because maybe she could have someone who's life she could make better, someone who she could defend from her father, someone who she could help...

"Your majesty, do you have any ideas of the laws you could be breaking?" Zira heard Kutisha's voice, from inside the cave, her ear twitched as she listening in on the conversation,

"Of course Kutisha..." her father growled "I couldn't be more sure of something in my entire life."he confirmed

"Sir, but what about how your daughter would feel?" said the snake, Zira's attention had been caught, just what were they talking about?

"I don't care what she thinks~ Besides she should know by now, she isn't worthy of the throne." Ignis growled, Zira grew more curious

"But your highness, giving the throne to the youngest for no reasoning behind it is strictly forbidden." Futisha whispered

"I don't care if that cub is a male that is enough reason for bestowing the throne upon them, and I'd much rather have a young male leading the pride rather than my poor excuse of a daughter!" Ignis snapped "And if you ask me Zira would have been better off dead!"

The teenage lioness let out a shaky breath of air and tears began to form from her eyes, How could he!? She knew he disliked females, weak ones to be specific, but her own father wished she was dead?

Zira ran away from the cave, tears falling from her eyes and a pitiful feeling following behind her, she continued running, running, and running until she had once more seen the river which crossed between her and the pridelands, there was a hillway which slipped down towards the drop into the water, she dropped onto the landyway and layed there, she looked down at her reflection and thought only one thing

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