come over

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Shousuke pov

Ever since y/n came over Shouko has been asking mum if we could go over to hers for a sleep over and she eventually agreed,she was calling miss.kihari ( thats your last name btw but change it if you want ) telling her about the sleepover and she was happy about that packing what I needed my eyes landed on the bunny ears she had on so grabbed those aswell,as I didn't use them and y/n was seemed like a bunny a bunny without ears wouldn't work right? I put it in my bag along with the rest of my things. I wait at the front door for my older sister and she came downstairs,waiting another few minutes for miss kihari we saw her and went to her " Morning Shousuke and Shouko " she said grabbing our hands,she lead us to her house and yelled for y/n to come down as she had guests for her. " Y/n,your friends are here! " she said while y/n came running down the stairs
" OH HEY GUYS " she said running up to hug us,this girl is too touchy touchy. Her arms swing around us and asked what we're doing here
" Y/n they're doing a sleepover at our place "
" HOW WONDERFUL,SHOUSUKE,SHOUKO FOLLOW ME " y/n said grabbing our hand dragging us to her room.

Y/n pov

I brought them to my room and placed them on my bed, they started to unpack. I saw Shousuke get something out of his bag and hand it to me " For me? Oh this is the bunny hat from the other day! " I said clapping my hands,he nodded and put it on my head " Well let's get unpacking! You guys can sleep on my bunk bed and ill sleep on a futon I have,ill ask mum to bring it over " I said about to leave until Shouko held onto my hand " Oh,do you need anything Sho-chan? " I asked,I stood still and went into her bag and took a box out and handed it to me,opening it I saw it was a box full of donuts and I smiled and put it on my desk " Thanks! The futon can wait,wanna go to a park? " both siblings nodded and we went downstairs " Mum me and the others are going to the park " I said
" Okay y/n come back in the afternoon for lunch,okay? " she replied and I nodded


" Do any of you have any talents? " I asked them,Shouko shook her head and Shousuke nodded " Well can I see your talent Sho-kun? ",he stood up put his hands to the floor and lifted his legs in the air " You can do a handstand? That's awesome! And shouko I bet you do have a talent " I said with a cheery voice,Shouko took my hand and brought me to the swings and put me on it and started pushing me, " Sho-Chan I think I should be the one pushing you though " she shook her head and continued pushing me " Alright then " I said closing my eyes. Shousuke came over with something in his hands,he took shouko to stop pushing me and she did,opening my eyes I saw a flower crown,he put it on my head and said
" Bunny princess "
" I'm a bunny princess? " I said in a confused tone and they both nodded " Well as your princess I want you both to hug me! " I said, shouko started shaking shousuke stood there,sigh," to early for interactions? " shousuke nodded and shouko opened her arms slowly coming towards me, I did the same and she hugged me " Thanks! " I said, " Shousuke go on the swings and shouko you too " they did what I said and I started pushing them both,their hair flew in the air making it glow which looked beautiful in the light. I stared at how their hair,skin and eyes shone in the light until they both came of,shousuke jumping and shouko hopped off and came to me " You guys are so beautiful " I said,shousuke stared at me with his mouth in a ' o ' shape and Shouko's face became red making me giggle. " we should go back home lunch is going going be ready soon " I said leading the way to my house


" I have a idea,what if you guys tried to say my name? " I asked
" Y-Y-/n-n .. " Shouko said barely over a whisper
" Yes that's it Sho-chan! " I said loudly " now you sho-kun ",he didn't respond just stared at me making me have shivers
" y/n " he said making me smile
" Yes now that I know you guys can say my name how about we play hide and seek in my house! " both nodded and I agreed to be the seeker " 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15..16..17..18..19..20..! Ready or not here I come " I yelled running around my house,looking in the bathroom first to see if anyone was hiding there,I checked the laundry room and saw shouko in the corner " found you Sho-chan! " I said with my hands in the air " Now sho-kun ". Running in the house I check the cabinets and saw him ontop of the cabinets " How did you get there? " I said shocked and he pointed at my mum " so you helped him huh mum? " I said crossing my hands and she nodded picking him up
" Well dinner is soon done go sit down okay? " mum said with a smile.
" What are we eating " Shousuke whispered
" Mum is making f/f! " I exclaimed
" that's right,for dinner you and Shouko can ask what you want to eat and I'll make it " Shousuke nodded and his plate came,I rushed my food and asked where the futon was until she said
" honey we don't have a futon,I told you this "
" oh- uhm,I'll sleep on the couch then " I said getting a extra blanket from my room. Both siblings were done eating and walked over to me
" Wanna watch a movie? " they simply nodded and we started watching mean girls ( or anything else ). Shousuke tapped my shoulder so I turned to him " Yes sho-kun? "
" Bathroom " i showed where it is and went back to the living room.



I woke up and checked the time to see it was 12am,I got out of bed and sat on the floor and turned on my desk light to read a book. I heard shuffling from behind me and turned around and saw Shousuke come down from the bunk bed and walk over to me " OH sho-kun,sorry if I woke you up " I whispered to him,he looked at me and then the book I was reading. He sat beside me and read with me until we both fell asleep with my head on his shoulder and his head on mine.


3rd person pov

" Y/n,Shousuke,Shouko wake up " y/n's mum said walking in, she saw y/n and shousuke sleeping together and took a picture of it and sent their mum it before shaking them all awake " Go take a bath and get ready,your mum is going to come pick you guys up " she said before leaving the room,leaving Shousuke,y/n and shouko alone. Y/n stretched her arm and said she'd go to the bath last. Shouko went first,then her brother and lastly y/n. Y/n put the bunny ears on again and went downstairs for breakfast,everyone chatted for a little untill the bell rang,the three of them hugged eachother and Shouko and shousuke left the building waving y/n bye

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