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Shousuke pov

I got woken up by the sound a camera clicking and some mumbling " Damien don't you dare interrupt them! " Stella whisper-shouted to her elder brother
" But he has hands on my future girlfriend! " he responded
" Y/n will never be your future girlfriend Damien " I spoke making the three people in the room ,minus y/n, looking at me " Leave you're going to wake up y/n " I said shooing them away,they all did and I looked at y/n who was snuggling her face in my chest,I felt my face heat up,I placed my hand on her hair and softly started stroking it lightly. Y/n's eyes started to flutter open and she blinked a few times before looking up to see me,when I noticed she was awake I stopped stroking her hair and faced her with a small smile planted on my face causing her face to turn bright red " Morning bunny " I said
" Moring Sho " she responded before getting out of bed. I went to take a bath and she did after I got out. When everyone was dressed the clock read 3pm ,Tadano spoke
" The festival is around 9pm,so we have a few hours to do what we want before going to the festival right? "
" Yep " y/n replied
" But what to do? " Najimi said
" We can all go to a park or cafe? " Damien suggested
" What about the park and cafe were I met Shouko,Shousuke and Najimi for the first time! " y/n exclaimed
" You met Najimi at the cafe? " I asked in a low voice to which y/n nodded too
" When you 3 were taking a nap y/n woke up and saw me,she didn't move so I went closer to her and we started talking before she fell asleep again " Najimi added
" Well let's go there! " Stella said raising her arms in the air,Shouko,Najimi and y/n followed her actions and they ran out the door with y/n and my sister leading the way. Me and the other two soon ran out the door to running behind the girls,I could hear y/n's giggles from all the way here making a smile form on my face

" Took you guys so long " Stella said when the three of us arrived
" it's been a while since I've last been here! " y/n said with sparkles in her eyes
" Well let's do whatever we want " Najimi said,everyone nodded,the h/c haired girl took my hand and dragged me towards a flower bed
" Shousuke look at the pretty flowers! " she pointed at a Japanese lily
" Hey y/n,this is for you. This flower reminds me of your beauty " Damien said in a seductive-ish type of voice giving y/n a rose
" Oh,uhm. Thanks? " y/n replied with a nervous tone. I stood up and left leaving y/n confused and Damien with a smirk

Y/n pov

" Did I do sometime wrong? " I asked under my breathe,the way that shousuke left without saying a word hurt badly. Did I upset him? No I wouldn't be that foolish to hurt him without realising. I got drowned into my thoughts but snapped out when the familiar deep voice called which belonged to Damien
" You okay y/n? " he asked,I nodded my head a gave a weak smile
" Yeah I'm fine " I said trying to sound convincing. Damien kept talking which annoyed me until Shousuke came back with a flower crown and placed is on my head. He leaned towards me ear and whispered
" You're like a bunny princess now " in my ear making me flush red,Damien had a annoyed expression on his face and left. Shousuke sat down besides me watching how the flowers would move with the wind
" Did you leave you just to make a flower crown? " I asked him to which he nodded too. I cracked a smile and faced him " Hey Shousuke "
" Yeah? "
" Thanks for being my friend " I said in a low tone,his eyes widend a bit and he smiled
" You're welcome bunny " he said wrapping his arms around me
" Okay love-birds,we're planning on getting ready as we girls wanted to look really good you know! " Stella said dragging me away
" Oh well bye Everyone see you later! " I said waving. Stella opened the door to her house as it was close by and sat me on her bed. She took out my kimono and hers,she handed me mine and she wore hers

She looked absolutely stunning in it " Stella you look so beautiful! " I said, Shouko came out of the room she were just wearing her kimono's and a my god she looked stunning too

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She looked absolutely stunning in it " Stella you look so beautiful! " I said, Shouko came out of the room she were just wearing her kimono's and a my god she looked stunning too

Najimi came out too and she too looked beautiful! ( I'm sorry but I can't find a picture of Najimi in a kimono ) " Alright we're all done dressing! Now it's time for y/n to get ready! " Najimi said" What do you mean I'm already ready? " I giggled ...

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Najimi came out too and she too looked beautiful! ( I'm sorry but I can't find a picture of Najimi in a kimono ) " Alright we're all done dressing! Now it's time for y/n to get ready! " Najimi said
" What do you mean I'm already ready? " I giggled nervously
" No-uh! You're basically going on a date with Shousuke! " Stella exclaimed
" Y-Ye-ah! " Shouko stuttered
" Shouko you're doing her hair,and me and Stella are going to do your make-up " Najimi said so both girls started doing my hair and make-up

A few hours later

Shousuke pov

All the girls met us at the festival and when I saw y/n I thought time slowed down,her h/l hair was gliding in in the wind as she was taking a step,her round e/c eyes were sparking in all the light. When she spotted me staring at her her face turned a bright red colour and she walked towards me,oh lord,close up she looks even more beautiful " Hey Shousuke! You look really,good today " she said nervously
" Thanks,you look good too " I replied
" Let's all go to the games " Tadano suggested
" I was planning on spending the day with Sho,is that okay? " Y/n asked with a nervous chuckle
" Oh yeah that's fine,what were you planning~ " Najimi teased
" Nothing! " y/n yelled while grabbing my hand and running in the other direction,she stopped when we were far enough from everyone " S-Sorry about th-Ah-t Sho " she said panting in-between words
" Its fine y/n " I replied
" Well let's make this festival one to remember. Its been years since we spent a festival with only us two " she said holding my hand making me blush
" Mhm ",we walked hand in hand towards a few stalls and played games,when she wasn't looking I bought her her favourite animal as a key chain. We continued walking until we both stopped at a foodstall, she order her favourite dessert as usual and I order my favourite.
" So,Sho,what do you wanna do now? " y/n asked
" Don't talk with your mouth full bunny,and I don't know " I replied " I heard there were going to be fireworks soon,wanna watch them with me? "
" Yeah sure! "
" I told you not to talk with your mouth full " I sighed. She swallowed her food and giggled making me sigh again but cracked a weak smile
" Fireworks sound great! Let's tell the other about it too,we've been split up for a bit so why not try and enjoy the festival all together,hm " she asked with a smile on her face. Nodding in response she took out her phone and made a quick call to Najimi telling her we'd meet her at the entrance of the festival. We both went back to the entrance to see everyone already waiting there for us
" Did you guys enjoy your little date? " Najimi teased making me blush madly
" NAJIMI! IT WASNT A DATEEEE! " Y/n yelled frantically waving her hands about with a horrible blush on her face
" Yeah yeah " they said " Well,how come you're back? "
" Sho said there are going to be fireworks soon and we've been away from you guys so long so we could spend the rest of the festival with you " y/n replied
" Y/n you're such an angel~ I bet you did this just for me huh? " Damien snaked his arms around her waist

Y/n pov

Damien snaked his arms around my waist and I shrugged him off of me " Damien we aren't dating " I said
" We aren't yet! " he replied enthusiastically
" Well anyway,let's go and see the fireworks! " Tadano said,everyone punched the air and yelled ' Yeah '. Walking to the grass to watch the fireworks i was talking with Shouko until we saw a spot,everyone sat down and then the fireworks started happening,everyone looked at it with amusement and joy
" Its so pretty! " I yelled in a jolly tone,everyone nodded and soon the fireworks came to a end
" tonight was really fun you guys,I really hope we can spend the next festival together too " Najimi spoke
" Yeah! " Stella added
" Bye guys,I'll see you at the weekend " I said going towards Shousuke,we both started walking home and he dropped me off. I gave him a smile and went to my room and getting ready for bed


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