chpt 2: the primes

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hotshot went to the rooms the future rescue bots used

hotshot: this won't take long

chuck: hello hotshot do you need any help

hotshot: no thanks I'm good

chuck: ok bye

sludge: hey chuck come back here

snarl: yeah we want someone to save

hotshot: well he's scrapped

after a while he finished cleaning

hotshot: all done hey what's this

hotshot: this is
future whirl's journal but why does it say
" journal of the universe "

hotshot opens the journal and starts to read

hotshot: chapter 1 primes

transition to future whirl

narrator future whirl: throughout the universe i never imagined what i would find, how every universe works or who's in it but one thing i found the same is that each universe had a prime like

Honclaw prime (aka dinobot)

this prime comes from another universe where cybertronians have beast modes and this prime has courage and has honor, he helped Optimus primal defeat Megatron to save their Cybertron.

hotshot: neat

"in another universe when bumblebee defeated Megatron he was granted prim"

(Bumblebee from trp)

and when he was granted prime he got a team and headed back to earth to recapture decepticons and there are still more universes to explore with more primes to see

transition back to hotshot

hotshot: wow the stories of these primes are amazing

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