chpt 2: beast wars

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they got out and noticed the environment

they got out and noticed the environment

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medix:  where are we

???: in a
beast universe

???: in abeast universe

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everyone: ultra primal

hoist: what you doing here

ultra primal: ever since i traveled to your universe i decided to travel to more

hotshot: hey ultra primal meet our future selves and the one in black is my future self

ultra primal: nice to meet you

???: You there who are you and what are you doing here

???: You there who are you and what are you doing here

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whirl: who's he

future wedge: probably trouble

hotshot: what do we do?

megatron sees the duck in hotshot's hands

megatron sees the duck in hotshot's hands

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megatron: you got my lucky ducky i shall destroy you yesss

hotshot: wait what!


Megatron chased after hotshot

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Megatron chased after hotshot

whirl: hotshot transform into dinobot

hotshot: i can't compete with him

black arachnia: hello

future whirl: who are you!?

black arachnia: the names
black arachnia

ultra primal: say cheese

ultra primal: say cheese

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black arachnia: hey!

wedge: she looks pretty

future wedge: yeah

???: Megatron, black arachnia leave them alone

???: Megatron, black arachnia leave them alone

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Megatron: dinobot have you come to help us

dinobot: there's no honor to fighting others who are smaller than you

dinobot stands Infront of
Megatron and black arachnia

dinobot: go, I'll hold them for you

hotshot: let's get out of here!

hotshot: let's get out of here!

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