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" i like shiny things,
but i'd marry you with paper rings "


hi! i learned how to make paper rings, a friend asked me to write this, the song is stunning and bubbly and happy, and- basically, it was only a matter of time until i wrote this.

to note,

this is not only shorter, but also sloppier, than most song-related-pieces i've written thus far. however, it was fun and, really, a challenge because i rarely write fluff, so i'm trying my best to be happy with it.


this is a work of fiction. any real life events or happenings are referenced by complete coincidence. additionally, every part of this work, barring taylor swift's song, paper rings, is my writing; thus, my property & of my possession. nothing from this story should be quoted or copied without my express & explicit permission.

potentially triggering topics,

this story features mentions of the lgbtqia+ community, cursing, and autism/autistic experiences. please, mind the triggers.


this story is dedicated to one of my close friends !! i hope you enjoy this & your froggy ring, and that any other readers enjoy, as well :]

shall we ?

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