𝗏𝗂. 𝖫𝖺𝗌 𝖬𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗉𝗈𝗌𝖺𝗌

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"Hngh.." Ria scrunched her nose.

The susurration of the shrubs steered her from dreamland. Plunging back to consciousness, she opened her eyes. Grey clouds greeted her vision. Small, green leaves showered down her calm figure as the cool breeze blew. No sun peeked from the curtain of nimbus. Blue birds chirped as they zoomed around for shelter. It seemed as if it was about to rain.



She looked at her peers. Taehyun was on her side, snoozing. He was still in his deep slumber. Yeonjun was sprawled nearby, mouth open. Soobin and Kai were huddled next to the extinguished bonfire. A peaceful Cielo nuzzled inside the healer's sweater.



Ria's turned to the noisy bushes. Muffled whispers and hisses filled her ears as she listened. She got to her feet in alarm, her hand instinctively reaching into her pouch for an item. Today, it gave her a steel rod.

"Open that one.."

"Quick, before they notice.."

"Take the food.."

"Make sure to grab their money.."

"I found a couple of knickels.."

"Man, they got rubbish.."

Ria parted a thin wall of shrub and spotted a group of bandits. They were all men, masked, and hasty. The strangers rummaged through the group's luggage, tossing stuff left and right. She watched them snicker. One of them pocketed a bag of coins. Ria knew better than to stay silent, hence she scurried back to her peers

"Hey!" She whisper-yelled. "Wake up, everyone! Wake up!"

"Augh.." Yeonjun grunted. "..can't this poor man get some sleep?"

"We're getting robbed!" Ria smacked his arm. "Get up and help! Go wake the others!"

"What are you talking about?"

Yeonjun tiredly sat. Ria then made her way to Soobin and Kai. She tapped their cheeks in haste. Painfully disturbed, Kai let out a soft whine. Soobin slightly hummed, his puffy eyes squinting as he frowned. Taehyun slowly got to his feet in daze. He rubbed his shoulder in distaste- Yeonjun had just pinched him there. Ria led her drowsy group behind an old oak tree.

Soobin was the first one to take a peek. Kai followed, stooping low to get a fair glimpse. A bloom of dandelion tickled his nostrils as he ducked; hence, the healer sneezed without a warning.


The looters flinched. They aggressively aimed their sharp daggers at the gang in panic. Ria held a firm stance, metal rod ready to strike in her hands. Taehyun jolted. He immediately mumbled an incantation, making his palms glow green. Yeonjun did the same, creating a faint red haze. Soobin clicked his tongue in disgrace, causing a pitiful Kai to wince. Cielo squawked in terror.

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