𝗑𝗂𝗂. 𝖮𝖿𝖿-𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝖾

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Soobin woke up with a throbbing headache. By the time he fluttered his eyes open, he realized that he was in between Yeonjun and Beomgyu who surprisingly worked together to carry him all the way to their next destination. Kai strutted before them, his pants rolled up to showcase a neat layer of brown linen wrapped around his leg. Ria and Taehyun were far ahead, fingers unknowingly intertwined as they chattered. Soobin blinked a few times to ease his dizziness and as he looked down, he realized that his wounds had been long healed.

"Ah, you're finally awake." Yeonjun croaked, paying him a side glance. "Good riddance, you've been out for hours."

"Where are we?"

"No idea." He lightly tapped Beomgyu. "Hey, bandit. Where are we?"

"I have no clue. Why don't you go ask Taehyun, eh?"

"Hey, blondie!" Yeonjun called, earning a snicker from his pals. "Let go of our lady's hand and listen!"

Taehyun, who had immediately turned scarlet, swiftly swung his arm back as if it was nothing. Ria coolly hugged herself to mask her embarrassment. The blonde mage turned to his peers, his amethyst eyes glimmering beneath the harsh sun.

"Where are we?" Beomgyu parroted, flashing him a teasing grin. "And why are you two-"

"We're off to the Southern Coast." Taehyun quickly overlapped. "Last one before we set sail to the Island of Garyn."

"That's nice," Yeonjun carefully pushed Soobin's arm off of his shoulders. "But we don't have a ship to begin with."

"We'll find a way."

"What if we don't?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Taehyun sighed, facing Ria. "Now's not the time for you to think negatively, Yeonjun."

"Think negatively?" The pink-haired scoffed. "I'm just stating the obvious. You want to sail across the Cassiope Sea without a boat? You're the one who's being ridiculous."

"Soobin," Ria interrupted. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," the water guardian responded with a soft smile. "Kai, I appreciate your aid."

The brunette showcased a thumbs up. "You're welcome!"

"What about us?" Beomgyu playfully pouted. "We carried you all the way here, you know?"

"Thank you too."

Yeonjun heavily exhaled through his nose. "You can let go of him now, Beomgyu."

The earth guardian loosened his grip around Soobin. The elder stretched his legs for a bit before jogging forward to catch up with a limping Kai. Cielo, who had been dowsing off lately, jolted up to greet the blue-haired boy. Soobin lovingly stroked her chin.

"She's all well now." Kai proudly commented. "I'm thinking of releasing her back to the wild after all this."

"Are you sure?" Soobin worriedly inquired. "You might-"

"Cielo is a phoenix. She's a mere patient of mine, not a pet. Although, it pains me to think about it."

The blazing phoenix sadly chirped. She nuzzled her beak against the healer's palm to reek comfort. Kai gave her a bitter smile.

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