Chapter 25-The Deal

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Chen Lin had no further scruples about Su Qing's condition. As though he had lived through a whole year's famine and come to a New Year's feast, he absorbed the energy he needed without any hesitation. By the time he came back to himself, Su Qing was entirely unconscious, lying on the ground showing no signs of life.

Chen Lin pulled the line off himself, then leaned down and pressed his fingers to Su Qing's neck. He felt a tiny throbbing there and knew that he had at any rate left this person a last breath. He slowly withdrew his hand and pushed aside the hair laying over the bridge of Su Qing's nose. The young man's almost perfectly exquisite face appeared before him in its entirety.

This amply proved an old saying—"Looking good has no use, you'll still be eaten in the end."—If Su Qing was later aware in the underworld, he could go to the palace of the Kings of Hell to bring his grievance before them. With his looks, he could still be carelessly tormented into such a state by a perfectly good gay man. From this, it can be seen that all kinds of light reading misleads; among all the possible schemes and stratagems, the "honey trap" is the least reliable.

Chen Lin tenderly rubbed his icy cheek with the back of his hand and sighed. In that moment, the expression on his face was actually a little sad, just as if he still had a conscience.

He took off his coat and wrapped it around Su Qing, easily lifting his skinny body. He quietly said, "How long it's been since we last met, my friends from the RZ Unit. I know you have some means to hear what I'm saying."

He was looking into the uncertain light, holding the fruits of his destruction, but his face, like a saint's, wore a compassionate and profound expression. Neither fast nor slow, he said, "In the past, we blue seals have always been the ones to have direct confrontations with you. Perhaps you have faintly perceived the organization behind us with its vast military and scientific power, but you don't understand them well. I can undertake to tell you, Utopia doesn't only have one blue seal base, and they aren't only in our country. They're hidden all over the world by various means. For them, nothing in the base is important, including the blue seals... Oh, of course, we precious experimental articles have a certain value, so perhaps we won't be so quickly abandoned."

Chen Lin laughed softly. "For Utopia, the only trouble may be that they can't let core personnel who have the full inside story or their research apparatus fall into your hands. I can approximately guess how they will deal with your sudden sneak attack."

Hu Bugui listened to him without making a sound. As a professional military man who regularly did battle with undesirable elements harming the people's lives and property, anything Chen Lin could think of, he could naturally think of as well—Utopia would decide to abandon the base the moment it was discovered. The RZ Unit would encounter the resistance of powerful firepower when it invaded, in order to provide time for crucial personnel to withdraw. Then they would activate the simplest means of dealing with the situation—blow up the base.

Hu Bugui had absolutely no doubt that from the day the base was constructed, sufficient bombs to level the place had been buried. So the RZ Unit's battle plan was to first infiltrate on foot, manually confirm the locations of the hostages, bring in a probe, cooperate with the technical staff, do everything possible to break through the other side's mechanical shield, bring in helicopters to support, and use direct fire to buy time, placing the emphasis of the battle on rescuing the hostages.

Chen Lin said, "Jackal, if you come see me, I'll help you."

When Hu Bugui heard this, he didn't hesitate for an instant. He immediately took off his glasses. He stuck up an antenna like a lightning rod from the glasses, then got out a little box, opened a controller, and familiarly switched to the "counter-projection" function of the communicator of Su Qing. His image was projected in front of Chen Lin from Su Qing's false earring.

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