Chapter 48- The Last Time

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Su Qing woke up earlier in the morning than other people. He got up before it was light and didn't go out. He thought that he had cleared his head enough. He glanced out the door through the peephole and found to his horror that there was an unknown being squatting at the door, head down, sleeping or waking, with a row of disemboweled cigarettes next to him, in appearance very much like a mass grave.

Su Qing sucked in a breath. Dripping cold sweat, he quietly retreated. He hesitated a moment, then started to go through the whole room.

The little cupboard was full of nutritional capsules. Further in, there were all kinds of food in the fridge. Su Qing turned the food over to look at the labels and found that it had all been put there recently and was still within its shelf life. Passing through the dining room, there was a balcony attached. The balcony was very big. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows was an artificial flower garden suspended in midair. From the balcony, you wouldn't have to see the solemn sentry posts downstairs. The garden was arranged simply and tastefully, with a recliner and a little coffee table next to it. There was a tea set and tea leaves, and even a small bookshelf.

Su Qing noticed a small paper tag stuck to the corner of the bookshelf. Still in that precise regular script, it said: "There's wireless coverage in the room and a laptop in the study. It's new, with an operating system already installed, ready to be used."

What good treatment!

Su Qing plopped down into the recliner and expressionlessly tilted his head back to face the false sky on the ceiling. It was as though out of nowhere he owed Hu Bugui a favor.

After sitting there for a while, he slowly went into the bathroom with a rather vexed expression on his face, washed up, took a deep breath, and gently opened the door. Hu Bugui was leaning against the wall, half-sleeping and half-waking, resting his eyes. He was alerted by the sound of the door opening and raised his head at once. His appearance of anticipation in the face of an enemy attack startled Su Qing.

Hu Bugui's voice was a little tense. "Where are you going?"

Su Qing said, "...I was going to ask whether you wanted to come in and sit down."

He didn't ask Hu Bugui why he hadn't gone to sleep but had instead spent all night guarding his door. With Captain Hu's alertness the moment he woke up, anyone with eyes could tell that he was worried Su Qing would run off again.

Hu Bugui's slightly raised shoulders relaxed, and he blinked with all his might, finally seeming more like a person who had just woken up in the small hours of the morning. Su Qing found that Hu Bugui's eyelashes were actually particularly long. The shadows they cast made the color of his eyes look a little darker, giving them a profound air. But his expression was too solemn, and there was a faint scar between his brows, making him seem a little severe.

Su Qing let him in, inwardly going off on a digression, thinking that in any case here was a man with regular features. Without his expression of deep resentment, how many straight little girls and gay little boys would have paid to have him!

Ah, what a waste.

Su Qing had always been a qualified host when receiving guests. He didn't mention Hu Bugui squatting at his door all night, only asked with a smile, "Should I bring you a blanket? It's not even five yet. You can still lie down for a while."

Hu Bugui shook his head at once. "No need, I'm not sleepy."

Su Qing knew that he definitely didn't feel easy lying down, so he didn't insist. He made Hu Bugui a cup of tea. When he went to get tea leaves, Hu Bugui followed him to the little cupboard with the tea leaves; when he rinsed a cup, Hu Bugui followed him to the kitchen; when he put the tea leaves in the cup and poured water, Hu Bugui watched from two steps away. Only when Su Qing brought the tea to the living room and sat down on the couch did Hu Bugui also sit down and quietly say thank you.

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