Chapter 5: year 5

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TW: Death, blood quills, mention of abuse, forced marriage.

Celestia Malfoy: 7th
Leo Malfoy: 4th
Alya Black: 7th
Eileen Snape: 5th
lilith snape - 5th
Fauna snape - 4th
Bree black - 5th
Evan Black - out
Jazz Potter - 5th
Star black - 6th
Lexie Lestrange- 3rd
Emberlyn Black - 7th
Sophia malfoy - 5th
River Parkinson - 7th
Natasha Malfoy - 6th


Roxie was super nervous once again but also excited to get away from Voldemort and Bellatrix. No one could tell if Roxie was shaking from excitement or from nervousness about going back to Hogwarts or from pain from the black eye she was sporting (she was covering the black eye with her hair). Roxie was sitting in Sophia's compartment with Jazz Potter (who was sending googly eyes at sophia), Eileen, Alya, Emberlynn ahd River. Leo, Fauna, Harry, Ginny, Luna and Neville were sitting in another compartment and Ron and Hermione were Prefects. Roxie was silent for the whole ride to Hogwarts because she was just stuck in thought about everything that happened over the summer and by what might happen over the school year. Every so often she looked over at Sophia, who was looking rather creeped out by Jazz. Roxie could hear the conversations happening in the compartment though. Eileen and River were planning what chaos they were going to cause as a send off for River leaving before River is forced to get married at the end of school. Emberlyn and Alya were having multiple conversations at once but the main contestation topics were: Bill Weasley (Emberlynn's baby daddy/boyfriend), Charlie Weasley (Alya's crush) and Natasha Weasley (who had run away from the Weasley home over the summer). Jazz and Sophia were talking about what might be Voldemort's plans for the year and every once in a while, Jazz would make flirtatious comments at Sophia which Roxie did not understand but by the look of Sophia's face, she didn't like it. So much so, that she left the compartment to find Fred and bring him back to the compartment with her. Roxie noticed that as Fred's arm lay around Sophia, Jazz didn't make anymore comments.

During the feast, Umbridge was introduced as the new DADA teacher, the Malfoy's and Lexie weren't shocked about that because they had been told before they got on the train that a ministry official would teach that year. Roxie had informed Sophia of this as she saw her on the train. Surprisingly, the prior knowledge of Umbridge didn't stop Roxie from being scared of her or for Sophia to hate who she called 'a vile toad' straight away. However, there were a lot of mixed emotions throughout the whole feast. Most of the people in the hall were either frightened of or angered by Umbridge. Although, some looked really confused. Alternatively, most of the Slytherins were smirking or were really happy with Umbridge becoming the defence against the dark arts professor. And then there was Alya. Alya, being Alya, was distracted by something else throughout the whole speech and didn't know what was happening at all.

Roxie's first class of the year was double DADA with the Ravenclaws. Roxie actually preferred doing theory instead of doing practical spells.Yet, Roxie was still terrified of Umbridge (who made her flinch every time she was near the woman or she spoke). It didn't help that Umbridge believed Roxie's handwriting was horrible and if Roxie didn't fix it by the end of the month, she would get detention. Which caused Roxie to panic even more.

Roxie's handwriting hadn't improved to Umbridge's standards so Roxie ended up in detention for a week and a letter got sent home to her father (which she was more scared about because that letter meant she was going to get punished when her father next sees her). The detention was horrible, Umbridge made her use a blood quill to write "I will improve my writing and I'll always be neat and tidy". The writing appeared on her hand and scarred her both physically and mentally forever. But Roxie refused to tell anyone anything about the detention or show anyone the scar on her hand, afraid of what Umbridge would do.

That Christmas all the Malfoy children (except Sophia who refused and spent Christmas with Sirius and several others) were forced to go home for River and Celestia's engagement parties, to their respective suitors, who are both being forced to get married as soon as they graduated from school. It was far too loud and too crowded for Leo and Roxie's liking and there were so many pureblood death eater's there. On actual Christmas Day, Roxie, Leo, Lexie and Draco were forced to stay in their rooms because of a death eater meeting but Roxie was 50% sure, she saw Jazz but she didn't dare tell anyone in case she was mistaken.

When they got back to Hogwarts though, everyone could tell Jazz had changed completely but everyone was too scared to even talk about it. Another thing that was a shock when they all went back to Hogwarts though was that apparently Fauna and Bree were now dating, much to Eileen's dismay. This came as a shock to everyone since Fauna and Bree always seemed to be at each other's throats for the first 3 years that Fauna was at Hogwarts. Also, Emberlynn was apparently pregnant again and Alya was now dating Charlie. Roxie didn't hear if anything else exciting happened during the Christmas holidays because she zoned out and started trying to think of how Jazz had changed during the holidays.

A couple of weeks into term, Roxie started noticing that groups of students had started disappearing at the same time and when they appeared again, they could all perform spells they couldn't before like doing the patronus charm, Sophia was one of these people. Roxie didn't understand what was happening or where they went but she wasn't going to question it because she was too shy to do so. She also noticed that Fred was walking around with green hair, noting that Sophia frequently changed people's hair colours when she was mad at them, but within a few weeks it went away so she assumed everything was fine. Roxie was also one of the first to notice the badges on Draco, Celestia, Lilith, Natasha and other Slytherin's on and that they had started doing jobs for Umbridge. She did, however, tell the others about that fact.

Roxie's job meeting with Professor Sprout was slightly strange due to the fact that Roxie didn't know what job she wanted to have after leaving Hogwarts, but it was either to do with animals or muggle studies. Alas, she knew she wouldn't be allowed to get a job as she would be forced to marry Blaze Zambini after she graduates and she would be a housewife, just like her mother, even though she is a lesbian. Although, according to Sophia, she should just hex him until he would let her choose to do as she pleased. This idea frightened Roxie too much to even attempt, not to mention what would happen if she messed it up.

Roxie was terrified about her O.W.L examinations. Pure terror lay in her spine just thinking about them. Roxie believed she was going to fail them all and not be able to do the courses she wanted for her N.E.W.T.S, despite the reassurances from Sophia that her grades were strong. However, what the Weasley twins did during the O.W.L exam scared Roxie since it made Umbridge more than angry, it made her irate. And it made it so she couldn't finish the exam. Sophia, however, was laughing and smiling and even kissed Fred before he left. She was also terrified because as soon as the Weasley twins disappeared from view, Sophia, Bree, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville and Ginny disappeared too.

When they appeared again they were covered in cuts of all sorts and Sophia,Bree and Harry were crying and muttering stuff about Sirius Black. Hermione had her arm tightly wrapped around Sophia. While Sophia was telling Roxie everything that had happened when they had gone,it turned out they'd gone to the ministry to save Sirius, only to be confronted by Lucius and Bellatrix who wanted some prophecy then some kind of Order had gotten there and Sirius had been killed. As Sophia talked, Draco stormed over to Harry and an argument broke out. All Roxie heard from it was that Lucius had been arrested for being a death eater which Roxie, Leo, Lexie and Sophia were happy about. After everything that had happened, Dumbledore sent the whole of Hogwarts home early so they had three months of summer. Great.

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