>>Side Story 3<<

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AN: I start by saying I don't own any pictures that I used they all belong to their respected owners.

No one POV

>>Gojo Residence<<

The only one in the residence are Rin, Riku, Satoru, Megumi, and Kakucho...

Satsuki is currently having some urgent business at France...

Riku got a call from Mikey...

"Moshi mosh... Riku-chan! Me and the guys formed a motor bike gang yesterday when you guys left and we are planning to go to Yokohama to promote the gang and swim at the beach there!" Mikey said...

"Really what's the name, who proposed the idea, who's the leader, and why did you decide to form a gang?" Rin said loudly since she's excited from the news Mikey said...

Rin heard the news because Riku's phone is in a loud speaker mode while they are calling.

The gang which is also listening at Mikey's end of line is also surprised at Rin's excitement...

Baji got happy when he heard Rin's voice though he didn't express it...

"Well Rin-chan to aswer all of your question first the name is Tokyo Manji Gang!" Mitsuya answered.

"Woah LAME!" Rin said.

"Nee-chan noo! The name is cute and it's also catchy!" Riku defended...

"Riku-chin you're an angel you're too sweet I'm the one who came up with that name, they just don't appreciate it, but it's okay now since you did, thankss Riku-chin!" Mikey said happily.

"Okay, moving on the one who thought of this is Baji."

"Woah really never thought the pea-brain can thought an amazing idea!" Rin said slightly amazed at Baji.

"Hey hag! I can hear you!" Baji defended.

"Baji-san is also there? Are everyone there?" Riku asked curiously.

"Yes, everyone is here, and the leader of the gang is the self-centered Mikey." Mitsuya said.

"Well can't say I didn't expect that one Mikey has the charisma of a leader though he can't beat Shin-nii and Izana-nii for me since I already saw them act as a leader and a king!" Rin stated.

"Well I can agree with that hehehe!" Riku said...

This broke Mikey's heart not too much though...

"Riku-chin meanie..." Mikey said pouting.

Which everyone just laughed...

"For the last question well, it started when the black dragons beat up Kazutora since he lives nearby the black dragon's turf." Mitsuya stated this which shocked Riku and Rin.

This pissed Rin the most.

"BLACK DRAGONS! The fudge is that how dare they hurt something mine! I'm gonna end their lives now give me an address!" Rin demanded which shocked everyone.

First Rin calling Kazutora hers and second her wanting to kill a notorious gang.

"Hey Rin Kazutora's not yours he's mine!" Mikey said, not noticing Rin's temper.

"Huh?!, he's mine actually all of you are mine since all of you are my friends, and all my friends are under my protection, so if they want to hurt any of you, they must pass through me first!" Rin stated due to the heat of the moment she just said something embarrassing.

"Pftt... HAHAHAHA" Kazutora laughed followed by Mitsuya then everyone.

This caused Rin to calm down and be embarrassed at what she just said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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