Chapter 66: hanabi bakugou💛💚 (edit)

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Anisa pov:

Seeing Izu get wheeled away in the wheelchair, made me very nervous. I just hope everything goes well, And he won't be in to much pain. Following him, I got stopped by a nurse.

"Are you his family?" She asked me, kat and sho.

"We're his mates" shoto calmly said. The nurse nodded, guiding us towards Izu. Entering the room, I saw Izu already laying down on the bed. His face cramped up in pain. Walking up to him, I started releasing calming pheromones for him

"Nini I'm scared" he cried, holding my hand tightly. "What if something goes wrong. I don't think I can do this" He cried

"Everything will be fine Izu" I wiped the sweat off of his forehead, planting a kiss there.

"Where is sho?" He asked looking around.

"He's doing the paperwork" Izu hummed, laying back down. The nurse then started prepping everything, making Izu panic even more.

"Deku, calm down. Everything is gonna be fine, we are right here" katsuki softly whispered, holding Izu tightly. The nurse then checked Izu, if the opening was big enough for the baby to come through.

"The opening is big enough, we can start" the nurse smiled at Izu. Izu then had to put his legs on these things, I don't even know how they are called

"W-wait! Sho's not here yet! I don't want to do it without him!" Izu yelled in a panic, tears forming in his eyes.

"Noisy omegas" I heard somebody mumble. Looking at the door, I saw the doctor walk in. My whole body tensed, seeing who it was. I started boiling in anger, seeing that motherfucker again.

Its that prick that was such an asshole towards denki!

"Oh hell nah! This motherfucker is NOT helping my mate!" I yelled in anger, making Izu flinch. Bakugou looked in confusion, holding me back a bit.

"Oh Its you." The doctor said, grinning. This made me angrier.

"I demand another doctor!" I yelled towards the nurse, while releasing dominant pheromones. The nurse coward away, not knowing what to do.

"Karaoke box, why are you so against this doctor?" Katsuki asked, releasing some calming pheromones for me.

"Cause this asshole, was a complete prick towards denki when he went for his ultrasound! Calling us omegas sluts" katsuki started growling at the doctor, also releasing dominant pheromones.

"Then we better get another doctor. This motherfucker is not helping my mate!" Katsuki barked at him, using his quirk a bit. When the nurse saw katsuki's quirk, she hurried out of the room. Yelling that she's getting another doctor for us.

"You little bitch! Are you trying to get me fired!" The doctor yelled at me. Katsuki pulled me behind him, growling at the doctor.

"Call my mate a bitch again, and I'll rip your throat out!" Katsuki barked at the doctor. The doctor took a step back, growling at katsuki. The nurse then walked in with another doctor, shoto following them.

"What's going on?" Shoto asked, seeing me and katsuki growl at the doctor, and Izu laying on bed crying.

"We want another doctor, this one is a bitch" I said to shoto, walking to Izu comforting him.

"That's why I'm here" the new docter smiled. " itachi, scram!" The new doctor barked at the bitch one. The bitch doctor huffed in annoyance, but luckily left.

"Sorry for him, he's a dick. Let's get this party started" she smiled, sitting down in front of Izu. "Okay sir, what's your name?"

"Izuku midoriya" Izu whimpered in pain.

"Well midoriya, I want you to push okay. Take a deep breath, and push" Izu did just that. Izu started groaning in pain, trying to breathe.

"Take a deep breath midoriya" Izu took a deep breath, before pushing again. This went on for a couple of minutes, when the nurse said she finally saw the head.

"Come on Izu, push" I wiped the sweat off of his forehead. Izu was holding kat and Sho's hand tightly. Both of them were signaling me to take over, but I refused. I remember what denki did, no way in hell that I'm letting Izu break my hand.

"The heads out" the nurse said. Shoto wanted to look, but I pulled him back nodding my head no.

"You're gonna be traumatized Sho, don't do it" I laughed. But sho being stubborn, he looked anyway. He looked at me with a blank face, not showing any emotions.

"I thought I couldn't be any more traumatized, but I was wrong" he said with a monotone voice, making me laugh. I stopped laughing, when I heard the cries of a baby.

"Congratulations, it's a healthy baby girl" the nurse said, handing the baby to Izu.

"I-it's a girl? We have a girl!" Izu cried out off happiness. All four of us were crying, looking at the baby. Izu kissed her head, sobbing like crazy.

"Do you already have a name for her?" The nurse asked, cleaning the baby.

"I know a name, but I don't know if you guys like it" I fumbled with my fingers, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What is it?" Sho asked, putting his chin on my shoulder.


"I like it! Hanabi bakugou" Izu smiled. Katsuki and shoto nodded, making me very happy.the nurse then handed the baby back to Izu, but Izu gave her to me. Holding Hanabi, tears started streaming down my face again,

"She's beautiful" I cried, gently stroking her cheek. I felt shoto kiss my neck, looking at Hanabi. Hanabi had like sãnda a lot of hair. Hanabi's has blond hair with green streaks in it. She opened her eyes for a bit, and I saw the most beautiful green eyes. Well izu's are prettier, but hers are a close second.

"Of course she's beautiful, I made her" katsuki laughed. Rolling my eyes, I looked at Hanabi again.

"I don't want people visiting Hanabi here in the hospital" Izu suddenly said, tilting my head in confusion Izu sighed. "I don't want people to breathe down her neck here, I'd rather have that home"

"I understand izu" I held his hand, squeezing it.

"Is hawks gonna be mad? We haven't told him yet" katsuki asked. Shaking my head no, he looked confused.

"I didn't gave birth to her. So hawks doesn't see this as my 'official' child" Izu growled after hearing me say that.

"She IS your child! Because you didn't gave birth to her, doesn't mean she's not your 'official' child" Izu growled annoyed, crossing his arms pouting.

"Hawks his words not mine" I shrugged. Izu started mumbling on how annoying hawks is, making me snicker. Katsuki decided on staying for the night, while me and shoto were going back to the dorms.

Walking back to the dorms I couldn't stop smiling.

"Why are you smiling so much?" Shoto laughed, pulling me close.

"We have a little girl" he kissed my head, picking me up. "Why did you pick me up!" I laughed.

"Izuku and katsuki have a little girl. Time for us to make little boys" he laughed, running with me in his arms.

"Sho no I don't want to give birth yet! That shit scary" I yelled, laughing. Sho carried me all the way to the dorms. Back in the dorms, we just cuddles in bed.

Hanabi bakugou, our little girl

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