Chapter 86: hypothermia?! (edit)

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Izuku pov:

Nini has been acting really weird this morning. She's been acting down for 2 weeks now, but today she's acting weirder. She kept looking at the clock, pacing back and forth in the room. When we would enter she would quickly sit down, acting normal. But the second we left, she would start again.

"Kacchan, is it just me or is nini acting weird. Weirder then before" I asked him, sitting down next to him.

"Ive been noticing the same thing Deku. When I asked why she kept on looking at the clock, she said she was meeting up with hawks and she didn't want to be late" Kacchan said.

"I've noticed the same thing. When I was sitting next to her, her leg would shake non stop while she looked at the clock." shoto said, sitting down next to kacchan.

"Also when we went to sleep yesterday, she got a text message and she look scared" Kacchan said. I didn't even notice that.

"Did you see what the text was about?" I asked him. If he did, it could help us.

"No I didn't" he sighed.

"Hey guys, so you know where anisa is going to?" Kaminari asked us, walking into the Common room.

"No why?" Shoto asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Cause she just snuck out, acting all mysterious" she already left!? Looking at my mates they both shot up from their seat.

"I don't trust this, we should follow her" katsuki said, pulling me and shoto to the door. Following nini, we tried to stay back as much as we could, without losing her. She was walking to the park, but why? Walking inside the park, we hid behind trees. I hate following her, cause I know she hates it when we do this. But I'm scared, I have the feeling somethings not right.

Walking further we saw nini stop at the fountain, talking with this man. He was a very buff guy, with bright red hair. He smelled disgusting, like copper and sweat. Looking closely at his face I froze, he was bloodhound. Why was nini meeting up with her dad?!

"Why is her dad here!?" I whispered to my mates. They both shrugged, looking wide eyed.

"Ah you came! Sweet daughter of mine" bloodhound smiled brightly at nini. His smile just makes me cringe.

"We gotta be careful, his minions could be everywhere" katsuki whispered, looking around.

"Where's my son?" Nini asked.

"Going straight for it hu?" He laughed. "I'm letting you see your son, but on one condition." He's letting her see our son?! Why didn't she tell us that!? That means he's alive and well, I hope he's well. And what condition does he even want?

"What's the condition?" Nini sighed.

"Join me" what!? There is no way nini would join him... would she?

"Like hell I will! I escape twice, I'm not going back!" See their is no way she'd join him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, when I saw a villain walking out of a bush holding yuki. I wanted to scream for yuki, but I can't. They'll know we are here, and possibly kill us.

"Momma!" Yuki cried for nini. It took everything in me not to jump out of this bush. Kacchan and shoto thought the same, cause they were standing ready to jump. When yuki started to scream in pain, I tried to jump, but Kacchan held me back.

"Anisa got it okay" Kacchan whispered to me, holding me back.

"He's hurting our son" I grit my teeth.

"I know" Kacchan started to shake, holding in his tears. Looking at nini I saw her bloodbending the villain, the villain groaning in pain. Yes nini, hurt him, HURT HIM BAD!

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