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I knew I was invisible in 6th grade

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I knew I was invisible in 6th grade. Well not literally, although that may have been cool, it's just that I've never really made an impression of any kind.

"If I died right now I doubt the world would change,"or whatever Brent said; just know it applied to me.

I was never the tallest or shortest, nor the thickest or skinniest, or richest or poorest I was just...

"Wait, what's her name" Kevin one of my co-workers speaks with his friend Terry

"I don't know, Kelly maybe?" Terry hesitantly answers him

"It's Kate" I correct them

"It's Kate" I correct them

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It's not that I didn't try. I was always a pretty good student and great with little kids but never the ones my age or older. I could create and take apart computers, always designing and editing.

Aka all the weird nerd techno shit, #girlsinSTEM, but I even weirdly enough found a calming passion for horse show jumping

"And in 3rd place Katherine Long" I walk up to the presenter and try to keep from frowning at my participation "award" in the competition of 4 equestrians including me

Even in love, Well...

"Oh, Kelly I was wondering If maybe you'd-"

"Oh of course I'd go out with you" I cut off a guy stopping me in the student hall with his friends a few feet behind him who start laughing as soon as my sentence left my mouth as well as any pride I may once have had

"Oh, uh I was gonna ask you for Courtney's number. That girl you're always around" The guy laughs with his friends and I flush in embarrassment but give him her Instagram anyway

"And it's Kate by the way" I mumble as they walk away from me

...that's just non-existent

𝐉𝐀𝐘𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐌 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now