Bethany's POV
The next day in the afternoon me and Jazmin went to go get some Chipotle and while we were out I saw someone I haven't seen in a long time!
"Oh my god, Jazmin look that's Nick!"
"Really?! Wow I remember you had a huge crush on him for a long time! He's gotten hotter!"
"I know right, a lot hotter!"
Nick saw us, smiled at me, and started walking over.
"Hey Bethany! I haven't seen you in a long time. You look really good!" Nick ended with a smirk.
"Thanks, you too!"
"She said you look hotter....just so you know." Jazmin interrupted.
"What its true!" She said back walking away leaving me and Nick alone.
Nick looked at me and laughed in a way I've never heard before but it was a good and cute kind of laugh.
"Yeah my buddy over there pointed you out and asked me if that..." He stopped suddenly.
"What?" I asked as I put some of my long brown hair behind my ear and out of my face.
"He asked me if you were the girl that I... liked and I said yeah and I decided to come over here and see how you were." He started to blush.
I also started to blush as I looked at the ground.
"I was also wondering if you wanted to have dinner sometime?" He asked me.
"Yeah I'd like that." I responded back.
"Awesome! I mean cool..." We laughed.
"Umm so what's your number and I'll text or call you later."
We exchanged numbers and tried it out to make sure we had it right.
"Alright so I'll talk to you later! Bye!" He said and gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek.
"Ok bye!"
He walked away and back to his friend. I think I might have zoned out for a moment because the next thing I knew Jazmin was shaking me and said my name a couple times.
"What?" I said quietly and kind of hesitantly.
"You ok?"
"Yeah sorry, I'm just SO surprised that. That. Just. Happened!"
"It seemed like he liked you. A lot!"
"Yeah I was shocked cause I never thought I would ever have a chance with him. Like ever!"
"Well now you do so don't screw it up!"
We both laughed and walked over to go order our food. After waiting in line for 8 minutes, we finally got our Chipotle and went back to my house and chilled. An hour after we got home, Nick called me and we had a hour long conversation! It was a pretty great day!

Not All Angels Have Wings By: Bethany Tucker and Jazmin Castillo
Roman pour AdolescentsA story about how Bethany and Jazmin finally meet the guys of there dreams! 5SOS!!! But they are forced to risk their friendship when the boys come between them. Read to find out what happens.