You're mine

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"A love song?" You speak slowly, more to yourself than to Semi. Your eyes stare in shock at Semi. You try to process his words but you're too afraid to.

Semi notices the sudden shock in Y/L/N's face. Her brows slowly knit together and she seems confused. Semi chuckles at the sight at how airheaded Y/L/N can be.

"Remember how you joked about me writing a love song?" Semi places a hand on the note, he takes it from her so her attention is completely on him. Semi leans down and rests his other hand on the top of her head, stroking her hair slowly.

You nod your head slowly, overwhelmed by the closeness of Semi and his gentle warm touch on the top of your head. You're tempted to look away but his husky voice entrances you.

"I wrote one, dedicated to you. Do you know why?"

Trying to maintain your focus on Semi, you slowly shake your head. There's too many emotions swirling throughout your body and breathing seems hard. Your breathing hitches when Semi carefully leans his forehead against yours. You take note of his long eyelashes and his clear skin. His breath tickles against your lips and you feel as if it's only you two in this entire world right now.

Semi scrunches his nose innocently, losing his confidence when he has to further explain his feelings for Y/L/N. He's unsure if she's just playing dumb or not. But he inhales sharply before forming a warm smile to her. His hand that rests on her head falls to her cheek. His thumb strokes her face slowly. "It's because..." Semi's voice gives out on him when he thinks about the words he's about to announce. His heart hammers against his chest and his throat begins to dry out. Semi bites his lower lip, clearing his throat, and regaining his smiling composure.

"I love you Y/L/N Y/N. I realized this when you went missing." The smile on Semi's face falls when a frown replaces it. He then wraps his arms around Y/L/N's frame, whispering beside her ear. "I was comfortable with your constant appearance and for you to suddenly disappear..."

Semi forces his eyes closed, tightening his hold on Y/L/N. "You were constantly on my mind. I wondered if you were okay. If you were eating. If you were getting any sleep. I feared maybe something drastic happened. Or that your dark thoughts overtaken you." Semi catches his breath before he speaks in a hurry as if time is pulling them away.

"I know I have a lot to learn about you and your life. I know you're hesitant to open up to me. But I want you to know, whatever you're hiding from me, it won't change my feelings for you Y/L/N." Semi turns his head, hiding his face on the side of Y/L/N's head. She stiffens in response and he only holds her tighter.

"From the beginning. When you walked in on me in the music room. You've been on my mind since then. I couldn't get rid of the image of your lonely eyes. Or your closed off behavior. I meant it when I said you're someone I want to protect." Semi exhales and the smell of strawberries from Y/L/N fills his nostrils.

"You've also taught me to depend on others and to focus on myself. I'll slip up from time to time and go back to my old ways by keeping everything to myself. But, I'll learn to lean on others better. Especially with you by my side Y/L/N. I figured I should be the one to save you from your troubles...but you're actually saving me."

You remain speechless when you hear Semi pour out his thoughts and feelings. Your body begins to tremble despite being embraced so tightly by Semi. Tears begin to trickle down your face and you're stunned when you feel a gentle kiss pressed to the side of your head.

"I love you Y/L/N. If there's one thing I'm completely sure of, it is the feelings I have for you." Semi pulls away to look at Y/L/N's face. His eyes widen slightly when he notices her tears streaming down her face. She didn't utter a sound for Semi to realize she's crying. But he feels her body violently tremble in his arms. Furrowing his brows together, Semi places the love song into his pocket before using both hands to wipe her tears away. "What's wrong Y/L/N?" Semi speaks carefully.

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