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𝕿𝖗𝖞𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖐 around her worries, Val had to cancel some of her dance classes, allowing her to only be there for a select few hours at different times of the day. She hated the inconsistency and the paranoia of Jevon just showing up at her place of work, but she'd avoided him for the last two weeks. It didn't help that he was consistently blowing up her phone to the point where she finally grew the courage to permanently block his number, so she was worried nonetheless.

With August coming to a close, Jack was the busiest he'd ever been, especially after the release of his own single with Pooh Shiesty at the beginning of the month. He was surprised he was managing to maintain his sobriety, as he prepared for his shows in the UK, as well as worrying tirelessly about Val on her own, but Urban tried to keep him as sane as possible.

Despite it all, it didn't stop Val from having to run errands.

As she did some grocery shopping to restock Jack's fridge that she'd essentially cleared out over the weeks, getting her car washed and getting her locs retwisted, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. She was feeling tight in the chest, finding it difficult to take deep breaths each time to glanced over her shoulder briefly.

Everyone liked to view Val as a very spiritual person by her appearance, hobbies and mannerisms, even though she didn't really see the point of believing in crystals and the whole shebang—but throughout the day, she wondered if her spirit was trying to warn her. Her stomach turned and her head ached to the point where it was distracting, but she couldn't quite lay her finger on the issue.

She described it to Jack over FaceTime, who sleepily tried to keep up with her theory while tucked into his hotel bedsheets five hours ahead. "You get me, right?" she quizzed, glancing back down at her phone once she'd climbed back into her car.
Jack softly groaned, as his eyes fell shut. Like the old soul he was, he was ready for bed by nine p.m. and desperately trying to keep himself awake at one a.m. for her, despite such a long day, simply because he missed her voice.
  "You still there, sleepyhead?" she chuckled. He smiled, opening his eyes again.
  "What else you gotta do? I'ma stay on the phone wit' you, if you'on feel safe." he mumbled.
  "Nah, you barely conscious. I'm probably just imagining it anyway."
  "Don't matter, baby. I'm still here. I still can see you wit' my eyes closed."
  "'Cause you so white that you can see through your eyelids?" she responded unprovoked, starting her engine.
  "You so stupid, shut up." he laughed. "Tell me what you going, 'fore I cuss you out too."

She giggled. "I gotta get some documents from my apartment for my ma, I'ma be quick though, I know you told me not to go there." she explained.
  "Ain't it late over there, do you really think it's good to go now? Why not go wit' your mom during the day tomorrow?" he uneasily suggested.
  "Those documents are needed for tomorrow, Jack, would've done them weeks ago if all this didn't happen. They're really important finance papers, I gotta get 'em tonight." she firmly reasoned.
Jack sighed, "I'm staying on the phone wit' you." he stated strictly.
  "Jackman, stop being stubborn, you gotta—" Val rolled her eyes.
  "Valerie. I'm staying on the phone wit' you." he repeated just as crucially as before. She sighed and obliged, as she continued driving.

Enquiring about his shows lined for the time that it took for her to drive to her apartment from the salon, Val truly couldn't be more proud of how far Jack had come. She gushed about it as she climbed out of the car.

The closer she got to her door, the more her heart began to sink. As she put her key into the changed lock on her door, she stepped inside, about to close the door before it was stopped by a large, black hand. Unaware, Jack continued to talk about the fact that his tour tickets were almost completely sold out. He glanced back at the camera once the sound of a struggle interrupted his flow of speech.

  "Jev—Jevon, stop! Stop! Let go of me!" she demanded, once he forced his way into the apartment. Jack couldn't see a thing, as Val's phone shook in her hands while trying to fight him off.
  "Who the fuck do you think you are, huh?" Jevon's voice boomed. Val dropped her phone, grunting and screaming in agony.

  "Val? Val!" Jack screamed.

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