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He was here almost every day. He sat at the same table, made the same order and stayed until closing. She wasn't quite sure what it was he sat doing all day, but his nose was always shoved so close to his laptop screen that she barely noticed how blue his eyes are until he stepped up to the counter once.

To say Hannah was intrigued by the man would be an understatement. She liked to do this thing sometimes where she would imagine a life for her customers that came in day by day. For some reason, she couldn't figure one out for him.

He always ordered a cup of tea, never a coffee. He didn't like to try new things often, always alternating between the same three pastries every time. Hannah wasn't sure if that was just plain boring or leaning more towards his aura of mystery.

That afternoon was no different for any other. He was sat at his corner table, laptop open and phone in hand as he sipped on his tea. Hannah was in the process of wiping down one of the tables where the bell above the door jingled.

"Hello!" Andrew called as he barged through the door. "Delivery for Moore, please."

The brunette woman couldn't help but laugh as she approached him and dragged him towards the counter. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?"

"Stop wasting your breath, darling."

Hannah rolled her eyes and moved behind the counter to grab the pastries she had prepared for him. "I'll make you pay for my profit loss everytime you scare away one of my customers."

"All you want is my money, Han-Han. I'm disappointed."

"Get out of here." the brunette giggles as she pushes his pouted face away from her and returns to her work.

"Thank you, you're a god sent! See you tonight!" Andy calls before the bell jingles once more and he was gone.

With a smile now stuck on her face, she had moved back behind the counter and was rearranging her pastry stand. She was in the process of taking out the signs of products she ran out of when he approached the counter.

"Another tea?" she jokes, eyebrow raised in his direction.

The man rubs his neck awkwardly, a chuckle leaving his lips. "That predictable, huh?"

"Just a little." Hannah smiles, moving to the monitor to ring up his order. "Sure you don't want to try something different?"

"Nah, tea is fine, thank you."

"One milk tea, coming right up."

The man gives her a smile before she moves over to the tea maker, pressing the right buttons to start brewing then moving over to the fridge under the counter to grab a carton of milk.

Hannah's café wasn't that grand, she had about a handful of regulars and a number of random tourists who would pop in sometimes. Over time, she had learned all the regular orders by heart. Sometimes she would even have them prepared specifically the night before when she was baking.

The blue eyed man on the other side of the counter had recently become one of said regulars, allowing Hannah to learn his strange order of milk tea. No one had ever made that order at her store before so she was taken aback the first time he came in.

She slowly got used to it though and the more he came in, the more interesting he became to her.

The machine beeping behind her alerts that the tea was ready to be poured. Grabbing one of the grey mugs on the stand she starts pouring the tea and milk almost simultaneously, causing a perfect mix of both. She gives the drink one final stir before placing it in front of him.

SO INTO YOU ☆ HARRY LEWISWhere stories live. Discover now