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♡ andyonthemoore, sofiamart and 11k othershannahbakes park days with my main man <3

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andyonthemoore, sofiamart and 11k others
hannahbakes park days with my main man <3

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username HENRY!!

username u guys r the cutest

andyonthemoore yeah cuz i want there 🙄
>sofiamart han literally hates u, get over it
>andyonthemoore come on hannah, pic creds
>hannahbakes u get free pastries 🤨
>andyonthemoore ok fair enough

username thank u for showing us single mums
that we can do it too!

  ┄┄┄real life┄┄┄

     Every Saturday when the café was closed, Hannah would fully dedicate her days to Henry. Thanks to Andrew, the boy had already become an avid football fan which lead to them going to the park more often than not. This week being no different.

Hannah had gotten up earlier than usual to pack a basket full of food and snacks for the day ahead as well as a small icebox of drinks. Per Henry's request, Andrew would be joining them for a football game that day.

The weather that day had been lovelier than usual, the sun shining brightly in the sky. Hannah was taking advantage of it, lounging on their picnic blanket while Henry and Andrew ran around nearby.

She was interrupted halfway through her book when her son let out a yell for her. Her motherly instincts are immediately turned on as she rushes off the blanket and towards him.

"Hey, what happened?" she questions, crouching down in front of him and glancing at Andrew. "Are you okay?"

"Mummy, I'm fine!" Henry rushes. "But our ball isn't, I don't know where it's gone."

Andrew lets out a quiet laugh, his thumb pointing behind him. "We've kicked it over there behind those trees-"

Before Andy could finish his sentence, Henry was already grabbing onto his mothers hand and dragging her in said direction. Hannah tried her hardest not to trip over her feet as they ventured behind the bushes.

Suddenly, Henry was running off towards a group of men stood under a tree. "Mum, I found it!" he yells back at her.

"Henry, wait!" Hannah calls, rushing after him before he could reach the group. "Henry, you cannot run off like that by yourself!"

Henry looked up at her with a guilty gaze, almost making her regret chastising him. It's probably what she hated most about parenting, there wasn't anyone to play good cop, bad cop with. It was always just her.

"Hey stranger." a smug voice calls from ahead of them, a voice that Hannah recognized all too easily.

Something between a scoff and a laugh escapes her as she looks up at Harry. "Of course it's you."

"Ah, you're antsy today." he smiles softly at her, eliciting a teasing eye roll.

"Sorry, what's going on?" a shorter man with ginger hair asks from next to Harry, averting the attention off Hannah for the slightest second.

"This is Hannah." Harry introduces, as if they'd been friends for ages and he'd always talked about her to his friends. "She owns the café in Mayfair."

Hannah puts up one hand in a small wave, mumbling a quiet hello, as the other rests on Henry's head; who had now wrapped himself around his mothers leg. The little boy gives his mums hand a little tug, reminding her of their search for his football.

"Well, don't mind us." she musters her best smile. "We're just looking for Hens football."

A rather tall blonde man steps forward with Henrys football in hand. "Nearly chucked my head off, lad."

Henry leaves his mothers side, grabbing his football back before rushing back to latch onto her. He hadn't said a single word since they'd walked into the clearing, probably overwhelmed by the amount of people his mother was speaking to.

"Henry, what do we say to people who help us?" his mother quietly chastises, running a hand through his hair.

The boy looks away from his mother and back to the group of men in front of them. "Thank you!"

"You're very welcome, Henry." the same blonde responds, a kind smile on his face.

Clutching his ball tightly in one arm, Henry tugs on his mothers hand one more time before starting to run off again. "Come on, mummy! We have a match to finish!"

A choked noise came from somewhere ahead of her, probably surprise at Henry calling her his mum. But Hannah didn't have time to mull over it.

"Henry!" she calls, but the boy was already making his way back to Andrew. She turns back to the group in a hurry, "Thank you so much for finding his ball, it was lovely to meet you all!"

And with that she takes off into another jog after her son, leaving behind a very confused group of men.

"She has a child?" Ethan squeaks, eyes nearly popping out of his skull as he glanced at his closest friend. "You could've at least mentioned that when you told me about her!"

"Hey! How come Ethan knew about her?" Tobi calls out from behind the ginger man, a not so mocking pout on his face.

Meanwhile JJ was more than confused. "Harry spends his free time in a café on Mayfair?"

"Can you guys cool it with the questions?" Harry exclaims, hands flailing about in his regular fashion. "You're doin' my fucking head in, lads."

Yet his exclamations seemed to be pointless as his friends all simply looked at him expectantly. Harry lets out a loud groan, running an agitated hand through his hair before explaining everything to the rest of his friends as he had to Cal and Ethan the other night.

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who doesn't love a good old park run in?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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