"A peaceful holiday" on crack.

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Salmone, seduto su una panchina con un braccio ingessato per ragioni ignote:

Oliver, avvicinandosi: Huh? Here you are. I've been looking for you.

Salmone: I'm sorry.

Oliver: Why the long face? You look sad.

Salmone: It's probably because of my arm.

Oliver: Then you wanna hear a funny joke?

Salmone: Go ahead.

Oliver: What's the best thing about living in Switzerland?

Salmone: What?

Oliver: The flag's a big plus. :D


Oliver: :DD

Salmone: There are better things than that.


Salmone: Apart from the flag having a plus sign on it, the country's also famous for the Swiss Alps, and just thinking off the top of my head, the chocolate's great, the cheese is great, their banking system is great, they have quality army knives and watchmakers, their military-

Oliver: It was a joke.

Salmone: Sorry, but it wasn't funny at all.

Oliver: Then let me do another.

Salmone: Go ahead.

Oliver: How do you blindfold an asian person?

Salmone: Use a blindfold.


Salmone: What else would you use, you weren't going to say "put dental floss over their eyes", were you? That's just racist.

Oliver: Of course not!

Salmone: Then what's the answer?

Oliver: Uhh... You--

Salmone: That's sexual harassment, you know?

Oliver: I didn't say anything!

Salmone, alzandosi e andandosene: Enough, I'm so disappointed in you.

Oliver: No, Salmone! Please listen to me. Salmone!


Oliver: I actually fell in love with your seriousness. To be with you, I'd follow you to the end of the universe. Please be my boyfriend.

Salmone: I'm sorry, but we know nothing of the end of the universe. The solar system is--


✐ Oc e scemenze di un alzheimerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora