Argo looked at the young man scrunched in the fetal position on the floor. Did he do something wrong? Everything seemed to be fine and then all of a sudden, he scrunched up and fell off the bed. Argo had been with a lot of Alphas but this was entirely new to him.

"Um... sir? Sir, are you alright?" he asked, looking over the edge.

The young man, who looked just a little older than him, looked up for a second but just as quickly flinched in what looked like physical pain. Argo slowly crept off the bed and knelt in front of him, watching the young Alpha shiver in pain. He lightly brushed the sweaty black hair from his brow as he winced again.

"Sir, I hate to be that type of person, but you're paying for the hour. You'll have to pay full price no matter what's going on..."

The young man didn't seem to hear him as he breathed in shakily. Finally, he seemed to get his bearings and he sat up, looking at Argo. His face was pale and he looked like he was about to throw up. Argo watched him with a curious expression, wondering what was going on with him. This had never happened before.

"I'm sorry." He said, which was quite unusual. "I... I can't do this."

"No one said that you had to bite me." Argo said, turning his head a little. "Do... you not know how strong your rut is? No everyone is in need of a bite to help them, that's why the service comes in tiers."

"It's not that."

"Then... what is it? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you're fine. It's me... I'm... I'm not normal."

"How so? I've met all sorts of people, so you may not be as strange as you believe."

The young man looked at Argo with confusion as Argo looked at him in the same manner. Something was off here and he didn't know what that was. Argo crossed his legs and sat down, just watching him.

"What's your name, sir?"

"Stray... Stray Johansson."

"I'm Argo." He said, holding out his hand. "But you already knew that."

"Right..." he said, not wanting to release his hold to shake Argo's hand.

"So... what makes you so different, Mr. Johansson?"

Stray took in the young man in front of him. He was beautiful, lithe and sinewy with eyes like liquid gold and silver hair that was messy but didn't look disheveled. It was true what people said about this particular Omega: he was something else. He understood why Alphas came to him to help with their uncontrollable ruts, but Stray had no desire to be here. He only came because he was trying to prove something to everyone back home. Something had happened there that he didn't want to face and Argo seemed like a good enough reason to sort that out, but he was beginning to think it was a bad idea.

"Mr. Johansson?"

"I don't want to talk about it." He said, standing up abruptly. "It's really none of your concern. Don't worry about the money or the time."

"Are you sure that there's nothing I can do for you? Considering you spent all the money you did?"

"No, I... I have to go."

Stray put his hand over his stomach as he left the room. Someone asked him if he was alright but he answered he was fine and left. The guard looked in the room and Argo popped up from the other side of the bed.

"What did you do to him?" the Beta asked, looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"Nothing at all. Honest." He said, looking away. "He said to keep the money and stuff so... um... do I have to stay here?"

"You have Madam Rococco in forty-five minutes, so I suggest you rest up."

Argo sighed but nodded, happy to have some time alone but not happy about having to go with Madam Rococco. She had been a regular client of his since he first started as a suppressor. In fact, she was his first client.

Argo was not like other Omegas; he was a rarity: a double-Omega. For some reason his parents were not attracted to Alphas but to each other and they were both Omegas. In Ata, Omegas were not allowed to procreate together because it could be very disastrous. Two Omegas in heat would make them both pregnant if they got together and there was a possibility that the gene would cancel itself out and the child would be a Beta, but there was a higher chance of doubling. Most likely, the gene would create a double-Omega but there was a possibility (slim, but not unplausible) that it could actually create a double-Alpha. It was too risky to chance it but his parents didn't seem to care, and here Argo was.

Due to their crime, Argo's parents were killed soon after him and his brother were born. He had no idea where his brother was, but he was taken in by his father's lord, Lord Kembling Drake. Lord Drake realized early on that Argo's high emittance of pheromones seemed to calm down even the most aggressive ruts and soon Argo was taking appointments to help other Alphas stay calm. It was a tier system: some Alphas only needed to smell his pheromones to be calm, others needed to be near him and touch him, and others needed to bite him to calm them down. Most of the time just his presence was enough but there were more than he liked that needed to be near him or bite him.

"Hey! I have money! I need Argo!" someone yelled outside of the door.

Argo looked up, frowning.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, you'll need an appointment."

"Please, I need to just smell him! I know he's alone! I don't smell another Alpha in there with him. Please!"

"Ma'am, unless you have an appointment, you can't see him."

"Then when can I? When's the next appointment?"

Argo sighed and turned over on his side. He thought about the young man that had just left, wondering if he was alright. He seemed nice enough but something was really off about him. He hoped he was okay.


There was a knock at the door and Argo sat up quickly, not realizing he had taken a nap. The door opened and an older woman walked in wearing her usual eccentric Yorik clothing that made the woman look quite ridiculous. Argo tried to look happy but inside he wanted to choke her.

"Hello, my dearest little love! How have you been?"

"I've been well, Madam Rococco." He said, giving her a small bow from the bed.

"It feels like it's been ages since I've last seen you! Stand up, boy, stand up." Argo slid from the bed and stood in front of her. "My, my, my; you have grown up so much. I guess I can't call you my Little Pet anymore, can I?"

"You may call me whatever you wish, Madam."

Madam Rococco smiled, her white pasty face and lavish bright makeup making Argo cringe. God, she is ugly... he thought.

"Hmm..." She sniffed him and rolled her brown eyes in delight. "Your scent has gotten so much stronger and that much sweeter since I came last. Well, come along, sweet love. I need you to accompany me to a very special event tonight. Quickly, quickly..."

He walked past her and she smacked his bottom with the fan she had on hand. He grimaced as he walked in front of her to the door.


this is my first ever venture into Omegaverse. there are a few differences that i will have in this: 1) alphas can be with alphas and 2) no butt babies. i get it's a staple of Omegaverse but it will always never make sense to me and so i will not be using it. i will just do what i have always done regarding mpreg. thanks and i hope everyone likes it and i don't fuck it up lol

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