Just Friends?

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"Y/N it's so good to finally see you again!" Ellen spoke excitedly as I sat down in the chair beside her.

"I know! Took you long enough to invite me again." The audience laughed as the hostess smiled.

"I can tell you've been busy lately. The new album just came out and it's great!" Everyone clapped and I shyly thanked her. "But people are dying to know" She picked up the record from the table beside her. "Who inspired this gorgeous cover art?" She asked referring to the painted silhouette on the album and I laughed nervously.

The thing is, I couldn't say that the album cover was a painting of Kendall Jenner's figure, the girl I had been dating secretly for eight months now.

"You know, a very talented friend of mine actually painted that after long sessions of us bouncing ideas off for what I wanted to do with the album, so I wouldn't say it's anyone specific." She listened carefully with a smile on her face.

"I don't believe you Y/N. Who thinks she's lying?" She spoke playfully to the audience who went crazy and I rubbed my hands together nervously.

"I'm serious Ellen! You're making me nervous." I joked and everyone laughed.

"Let's move on then." Ellen said excitedly and I sighed in relief after she put down the record. "So, you just came back from a Bora Bora trip, is that right?"

"Yep that's right. It's so beautiful there. I saw an actual flamingo!" I said animatedly and the audience laughed.

"That's great! But I don't think flamingos were the only thing you saw" She smiled and I frowned confusingly. "You're used to paparazzi right?"

"Yeah" I rolled my eyes playfully and everyone chuckled.

"How come you didn't know you were being photographed there then?"

"Oh boy I don't like where this is going" I rubbed the back of my neck and Ellen laughed.

Everyone started to cheer and when I looked back there was a picture of me on the screen. I was basically naked, only covering my lower body with a towel, while my upper body was censored with a black tar.

"Oh god please no!" I covered my face with my hands and fell back on the chair. "That's bad"

"I mean it's a great picture don't worry" The audience cheered and I uncovered my face. "Did you know there were paparazzi there?"

"Looking back I should've known but that didn't really cross my mind then. Clearly." I pointed at the screen and Ellen chuckled.

"And how did you find out about it?"

"My manager called and was like "Sorry Y/N, I hate to tell you this but your boobs are all over the internet." I heard laughter as I tried to make the situation lighter. "I was shocked at first but then I was like, it is what it is you know. But I definitely wouldn't recommend, three out of ten experience." Ellen was laughing so hard that she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Well, your parts weren't the only thing people focused on though!" She said after calming down, the picture zooming in the back. "There's also, you know, a girl back there." The audience cheered once again and I looked away. "Who is that?"

"You know, a friend of mine" I said confidently.

"You get naked with your friends? We play for the same team and I have friends that I've never seen naked." She said playfully and I rubbed my face laughing at her joke.

"It's a really close friend." I smiled.

"A really close friend who also seems to be naked in your bed?" She laughed and so did the crowd.

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