Bad Influences

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I inhaled deeply as I felt the nicotine entering my lungs. Such a bittersweet feeling. In one side I knew it was killing me slowly. On the other I could only think about how good it made me feel.

It was a vicious cycle. I smoked, felt guilty for lying and disappointing everyone I love and smoked again to try and numb the feeling.

It wasn't like a casual thing, it was obsessive.

I had promised my girlfriend I would stop. And I planned on that, but I just couldn't resist to have a cigarette every time I felt stressed or anxious. It was just so comforting.

I got taken away from my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. It had to be her.

I quickly threw the cigarette away anywhere and got a piece of gum so she wouldn't smell it in my breath.

"Hey babe. What's up. I figured I'd stay the night if that's okay?"- She said after I opened the door.

"Hm, y-yeah. Of course."- I suddenly got nervous when I realized the whole apartment probably smelled but I couldn't really tell since my senses were a bit disturbed.

"I left my toothbrush here the last time right? Y/N?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah I think so."- I cleared my throat.

"What's up with you? You're acting really weird. Are you okay?"- She came closer to me and rubbed my arm up and down.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. I just-"- She stopped abruptly and looked at the floor.-" What the hell, Y/N?"- She practically yelled.

"What, Kendall?"- I started to get defensive since I knew exactly what she had seen.

"Why the hell is there a fucking cigarette here?"- She got it from the ground and put it on the kitchen table.

"Maybe because I wanted to smoke?"- I yelled back.

"God, can't you see how bad this is for you?- She scoffed in disbelief and put both her hands in her head while her elbows were on the table.

"For fuck's sake stop overreacting. It's just one cigarette."- I rolled my eyes.

"It's never just one and you know it damn well. You promised me you would stop."- She spoke just above a whisper.

"I couldn't okay? I really tried to. For you, for my family. But I just couldn't. I'm sorry that I did it."- I couldn't pretend I didn't care anymore and broke down crying in the closest chair I saw.

"Hey, it's okay. I know it's hard. I'm here to talk about it. I'm sorry for yelling. I really want to understand if you're ready to talk."- Kendall hugged me and stroked my back and hair until I got myself together and lead her to the couch.

"I tried hard. I really did."- I said after taking a deep breath.

"Look at me. There's nothing to be ashamed of."- But I just couldn't help but feel worthless.

"At first when we talked I spent 4 months without even thinking about doing it."- She looked at me sympathetically as if saying for me to continue.-" But then I started hanging out a lot more with Jamie and her friends. At first I denied all her offers, but she started saying things like 'It's just one cigarette, it can't be that bad' and 'It's only twice a week so there's not much of a chance of it being harmful."- She sighed loudly after I finished.

"I knew something about that girl wasn't right. Baby, I always told you she wasn't a good influence and shouldn't be trusted."

"I know, and I'm sorry for not listening. But it's not even her fault actually. I am the one who gave in. I should have talked to someone about it before it got bad. I'm just always doing dumb things.-" She saw that I was going to start crying again and hugged me tightly.

"It's fine. You're gonna get through this. You are so strong and you have a lot of people who love you to help."- She kissed my head.-" It's gonna be a long road, but I'm gonna be here through it all."- Kendall said making my heart beat faster and left me wondering what did I do to get so lucky.

"I love you so much. You have no idea."

"I love you, pretty girl. More than you could ever know. I think you could maybe start going to a therapist? It could help you understand yourself better you know?"- She said while looking at me lovingly.

"You're totally right. Thank you so much for not giving up on me and not making me feel bad."

"Never. You can always count on me."


a small chapter just so I don't leave you guys with nothing

I had this idea while listening to 'the cigarette duet' by princess chelsea ;)

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