Chapter 18

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"Hey, buddy!" Spike turned around with a glare at Peter, "Ready to go to jail?"

 He grinned, "I'd love to see you try."

Peter shot a web at each of his shoulders, pulling himself to him, kicking him in the head. 

Spike lost his balance and began falling all the way down the tower, he landed on the other side of me, indenting the floor.

He tried getting up but Peter landed on him, shooting a web at his face. Sirens were heard coming closer and I let out a breath of relief I didn't even know I was holding. 

Peter went up to me, "Y/n... are you okay?"

I nodded and he helped me up.

"I'm sorry... I should've done better I could've-"

"Stop Pete. Coming here was my choice, getting hurt was on me. Not you."

He seemed to want to protest but instead stayed silent.

I got on my tippy toes and kissed him, "I love you, Pete. Thanks for saving me, again."

He seemed to want to cry, "I love you too Y/n.."

"We should probably get out of here before the cops come shouldn't we?"

He smiled, "You learn-" His eyes widened as his spider-sense kicked in. He suddenly pushed me away from him.

I looked up at him ready to yell but froze when I saw Spike impale Peter with a rusty pole from the ground. It went through his stomach and he looked down at it before looking at me. 

Spike pulled it out and a hole was in its place, gushing out blood. Peter collapsed to the floor, he began shooting webs at Spike, over and over again until he was restrained against the wall. Once he was Peter went limp and I ran to him.

"Peter! Peter come on look at me! Please!" I cried as I tried turning him over.

When I did his eyes were lifeless. I felt my heart get heavy and my throat swell up.

"P-Peter? Stay with me come on... the cops are almost here t-they can help!" Limp, "God damn it Peter please! Stay with me please you can't die on me you can't!"

The cops soon came rushing inside. They quickly arrested Spike but when they turned to me they all froze.

"Peter, please! You can't leave me! Don't leave me please!"

His blood covered my body as I cradled his lifeless body in my arms.

"Drop the body!" One of the cops yelled as they all drew their guns.

"Peter please... open your eyes..." I mumbled over and over again as I swayed back and forth.

Tears ran down my face as my heart felt empty, it felt as if it had been snatched away.

"Put the body down we won't ask again!" 

What seemed to be the captain suddenly smacked the officer's hands, "Put your guns down! Can't you see she isn't a threat!"

The officer carefully approached me, kneeling down in front of me, "I need you to put him down..."

"No! I can't... he'll be fine... he's fine he just needs to rest that's all! Why can't you people just leave us alone!"

He frowned, "I know you don't want to hear this but... he's gone... you know that as well as I do..."

"No... no no no I can't lose him!" I screamed as I held him closer to me.

The officer reached out to me, putting his hand on mine, "You already did. Please hand him over so we can get you the help you need."

The officer's words rang through my head as my body began numbing the pain. After a while I let them take Peter. I let them take me to the hospital where I was treated.

"You're extremely lucky. Not only are you alive but so is your child!" The nurse smiled at me.


"Did you not know? You're pregnant!" 

I looked down at my hands, my head went back to Peter. His blood covered my hands, covered every part of me. I was pregnant. He was a dad. He was a dad like he wanted to be, and he isn't here to celebrate.

What am I supposed to do now?

A/n: Next chapter will be in the child's perspective, it will also be the last chapter."

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